Downtown Dave Previews The Week (8/3-8/9) is happy to introduce a new weekly feature, Downtown Dave! A short column by friend of the site Dave Schafer, Downtown Dave will provide some insight into what’s happening at the Bay any given week, as well as information on that weekend’s live music.
Dave Schafer is the owner of Ashley’s Island house, a 13-room bed and breakfast on the island.

Learn more about it at or call 419-285-2844!

Downtown Dave is going to make you want to come to the Bay this weekend. Here’s where we think you should stay!

Downtown Dave’s Thought(s) For The Week

Wow, it is August already. It is hard to believe Football season is around the corner.
The thoughts of the week before this week’s awesome band lineup.

Passion is everything
If you do not have passion then you are bound to give up in the long term. Passion fuels your desire to work even when things get tough. Passion carries you to a whole new level of success. Put passion into everything, even the everyday little things. You will be surprised with the results

There is always enough time
Every person on this planet has the same amount of time as everybody else everyday. Yes some people live longer than others but I am looking at the time that you have on a weekly basis. The problem is not that you do not have the time but it is how you manage your time. That is why you need to plan your day every morning. Make sure you have time for yourself. Also make sure you make time to come to Put in Bay!

No one is holding you back
Even despite your best efforts, you cannot control other people in your life. You are the master of only yourself. Concentrate on what makes you happy.

You can always make a difference
No matter what you do in life you can make a difference and leave a legacy behind. Everyone can leave a lasting mark on this world. You can accomplish this in many ways. Even something as simple as your children. They are your legacy. They are the ones that will be here when you are gone. How you raise them is a direct reflection on you. Yes sometimes you can do all of the right things and your kids can disappoint you. Sometimes we cannot control the environment around them. Set a good example early and they will follow. Teach them to be a leader not a follower. For the people that do not have children you can still leave a lasting mark because unless you live in a cave you are surrounded by people that you can mold and help them become better people.

So come up to Put-in-Bay before the Summer is over and enjoy an island in Ohio. I know you will have a great time!

Use These Quick Links To Plan A PIB Trip!

This Week’s Live Music At The Bay!

Have a great week everybody and we will see you at Put-in-Bay this weekend. One more note, please check out the live cams and make them a favorite on your computer. The cams will bring back old memories from your trips to Put-in-Bay and it will make you come back for more.
Here is this week’s schedule:
Thursday  Parise Island 2pm End Rock 8:30
Friday       Mike Mad Dog Adams 2pm Hit Show  8:30
Saturday  Mike Mad Dog Adams 2pm Paul Franks 630 Hit Show 9:30
Sunday    Tony Salazar 2pm Killer Flamingos 8:30
Monday   Matt Webber 2pm Killer Flamingos   8:30
Tuesday  Matt Webber 2pm Killer Flamingos   8:30
Wed        Calabash  last 2 shows of the season 2pm That Band from Detroit 8:30
Thursday Calabash 2pm That band from Detroit 8:30
Sloppy’s seconds from Key West Pete Jarvis and Larry Strickland. A show you do not want to miss. They have shows Friday night. 2 shows Saturday and an afternoon show on Sunday
Thursday Ron Howard and Karaoke night
Friday        Meager Kings 4pm That 80s band from Cleveland  9pm
Saturday    Meager Kings 4pm That 80s band from Cleveland  9pm
Sunday      Chad Hoffman 7pm
Monday      Chad Hoffman 7pm
Tuesday    Chad Hoffman 7pm
Weds         Mark Pay 7pm
Thursday   Mark Pay 7pm
Thursday  TJ Watson 12:30 Hunter Hoop 5pm Fun Buckets 9:30
Friday       Joe Woods 12:30 Ty Stevens 5pm Ladies Night  9:30
Saturday  Joe Woods 12:30 Casper 5pm. Ladies Night 9:30
Sunday    Dave Carpenter 12:30 Casper 5pm. Jeff and Steve 9:30
Monday    Jeff and Steve 9pm
Tuesday   Jeff and Steve 9pm
Weds        Jeff and Steve 3pm Fun Buckets 9pm
Thursday   That Allie Girl 2pm Tobi Lee 6pm The Fulco Brothers. 9:30
Friday        Tobi Lee 2pm Master TC and The Visitors 5:30 pm  The Fulco Brothers 9:30
Saturday    The Antones 2pm Master TC  5:30 pm  The Fulco Brothers. 9:30
Sunday      Adam Vasquez 2pm Jason Saitta 6pm The Fulco Brothers 9:30
Monday      Adam Vasquez 2pm Jason Saitta 6pm The Fulco Brothers 9:30
Tuesday     Adam Vasquez 2pm Jason Saitta 6pm The Fulco Brothers 9:30
Weds         Adam Vasquez 2pm Jason Saitta 6pm The Fulco Brothers 9:30
Thursday Johnny Martens 6pm
Friday        Lucas Guy 3pm Franke and Ranke 7pm
Saturday    Franke and Ranke 3pm  Dj Mike D 7-12
Weds          Karaoke 8pm
Friday       Lucky Penny Sisters 8pm
Saturday  Pat Shepard  2pm  Lucky Penny Sisters 8pm
Sunday    Lucky Penny Sisters 3pm
Saturday   Pat Masalko 4pm
Sunday     Zane Coakley 4pm Pat Masalko 8pm
Monday     That Allie Girl 8pm
Tuesday    That Allie Girl 8pm
Thursday  Matthew James 2pm and 6 pm
Friday       Matthew James 2pm and  6pm
Saturday   Miss Kitty 2pm and  6pm
Sunday      Miss Kitty 2pm and 6pm
Monday     Slow no Wake 2pm and 6pm
Tuesday    Slow no Wake 2pm and 6pm
Weds         Slow no Wake 2pm and 6pm
Topsy Turveys is having and island Jam night every Monday night 9-11
We do also have a piano sing along bar that is open from 9-12 on Fridays and Saturdays next to the fire truck. It is always a great crowd so stop by and sing along.
It is only a few weeks to Bash on the Bay with Pitbull and Luke Bryan. There are still tickets available!