Are you a college student interested in an internship for course credit, wages, or both? Are you going to school for web design, photography, video editing, or a related field? Put-in-Bay is looking for a few select individuals to intern for us this summer. Prior experience in some or all of the following is required:
- daily and weekend South Bass Island photography (people pictures, special events, lodging portfolios, etc.)
- website development
- Putinbay video creation (YouTube & Facebook)
- website and newsletter copy
- assorted other marketing and Put in Bay advertising efforts.
Are YOU Ready for a Put-in-Bay Internship?
Do you have what it takes to work for us this summer? Complete and submit the form below for consideration. We will contact the best applicants to provide more information and request a resume and cover letter for final selection. Read all about our island events, dining, and fun before you arrive! Good luck!