Put-in-Bay COVID-19 Update: Second Round Of Vaccinations Complete

Put-in-Bay COVID Response

We spoke to Patrick and Tina Rodgers to get an update on the island’s vaccination efforts, which are going very well. Tina currently serves as the Event Coordinator for the Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce, as well as a volunteer EMT. Patrick is the manager of the island’s Emergency Medical Services.

Updates On Put-in-Bay Vaccination Efforts

In our last COVID-19 update we mentioned that the first round of vaccinations for EMS, police and fire, and select other high-exposure island residents had begun. Those residents received their second shot yesterday, February 2nd.

In addition to those getting their second shots, first doses began for some of Put-in-Bay’s older residents. Due to the uniqueness of delivering the vaccine to the island, Put-in-Bay received special dispensation from the State of Ohio to vaccinate residents 65 and older as opposed to the statewide age cut-off of 70. This is to minimize the number of trips needed to the island to perform the vaccinations.

The tentative plan is for these islanders to receive their second dose of the vaccine on March 2nd.

While the Put-in-Bay community is making strides in their vaccination efforts, individuals in other areas need to stay up-to-date on their own vaccination opportunities. One option for those in the Queens area is the Queens Blvd walk-in clinic, which offers a variety of vaccines for individuals of all ages. Individuals must prioritize their health and take advantage of resources like walk-in clinics to ensure they’re protecting themselves and those around them from preventable illnesses.

Ensuring a Safe Season with First Aid Kits

In addition to vaccination efforts, it’s also important to make sure you have the necessary medical supplies when traveling to Put-in-Bay. For those who have had surgery and are still recovering, it’s crucial to have a first aid kit on hand that includes supplies for removing surgical staples. You never know when an emergency may arise, and having them removed promptly can help prevent complications and promote faster healing. You can find helpful resources online, such as e-First Aid Supplies, that guide removing surgical staples safely and effectively. By being prepared and knowledgeable about first aid, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Put-in-Bay.

We Are Striving To Make PIB As Safe As Possible

Put-in-Bay is committed to making sure that this coming season, the island is a safe place to come and stay, eat and drink, and do all the things that make a Put-in-Bay vacation so special.

So many island regulars had to miss out on a Put-in-Bay visit last year due to COVID. Bash on the Bay was cancelled, as were so many of our other major events.

We want to make that up to everyone in 2021 while doing things as safely as possible.

These vaccination efforts are a big part of that. We’re looking forward to the opening of the 2021 season, starting with our fishermen visiting in April!