Put-in-Bay Island Diary: October 2021

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Island Diary October 2021

Fri., Oct. 1st – The guys working at Miller Boat Line’s freight barn enjoy a lunch compliments of Anne Spettel and Laurie Utterberg. Kendra German speaks to the PIB seniors about the services available at the Riverview Healthcare Campus. The pumps at the gas station go out due to technical difficulties, but are soon back on. The Fall Ball begins.

Sat., Oct. 2nd – The Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center holds a Wine Fest Appetizer Fundraiser at Heineman’s Winery. At Island Wine Fest at the Put-in-Bay Winery there’s a great silent auction to benefit the island museum, plus the Wine Fest King falls off the royal platform. Jeanne Burgess is holding a yard sale at her home on Airport Rd. At the Change of Watch ceremony at the PIB Yacht Club, Jeff Berquist takes over as the new commodore.

Sun., Oct. 3rd – Mother Mary unveils a painting by Grant and Jodie McCallum of St. Paul’s after morning service. The congregation applauded as they recognized some of themselves and others in attendance. In the afternoon, Mother Mary blesses the pets on the church’s labyrinth in the afternoon. The Browns Backers are at the Goat and watch their favorite team win. There’s rain in the late afternoon.

Mon., Oct. 4th – Facebook is down and islanders have to use the old-fashioned island grapevine to get their information. Painters are busy recoloring the old Chan Stevens house east of the Monument. As work is being done on Catawba Ave., the pavement in front of churches gets ground off in preparation for the final topping of asphalt. Miller is busy during the night hauling asphalt trucks to Middle Bass for work on the airport there.

Tue., Oct. 5th – Council discusses issues that will be voted on at its regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 12th. Kindergarten and elementary students at PIB School enjoy the first day of “running club” after school. After running around the fall field, the two dozen or so kids play “toilet tag.” The Erie Islands Library is hosting several kids who came to the “Hot Wheels at the Library” night.

Wed., Oct. 6th – State foresters are at DeRivera Park helping with suggestions for tree care there. Bill and Alice Boag host a party for a group of their island friends who have winter vacationed at Perdido Key, Florida.

Thu., Oct. 7th – The Lake Erie Islands Historical Society holds a luncheon at Joe’s Bar to thank all the volunteers and workers who helped at the museum and Resale Shop this season. There’s rain in the late afternoon/early evening with a full beautiful double rainbow in the sky to the east over the Monument.

Fri., Oct. 8th – Andy and Courtney Blumensaadt celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary. There’s rain during the first part of the day. The last “Put-in-Bay Ghost Walk” of the season takes place. Representatives from the partnership program between veterans and Hospice came to honor members of the islands’ American Legion Post 542 for their service with a pinning ceremony at Bob Bahney’s home at the tip of Peach Point.

Sat., Oct. 9th – It’s the first of two days for the Oktoberfest in the Village Park across from the Boathouse. Perfect weather and lots of beer complement the Polka music and delicious German-style food. It’s Trivia Night at PIBYC. Suzanne Kostura, PIBHS Class of 1989, is celebrating her birthday downtown with some of her Put-in-Bay schoolmates.

Sun., Oct. 10th – It’s day two of Oktoberfest and the weather is still great for this very popular island event. The Lake Erie Islands Browns Backers, Chapter 299, hold their game-day celebration at Topsy Turvey’s.

Mon., Oct. 11th – Debby Parker reports losing both power and Spectrum internet on Chapman Ave. on East Point after a power outage. The Words and Wine Book Club for adults is in Duff’s Vineyard at the end of the day. The monthly Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce Membership Meeting is held at Frosty’s. The Boardwalk crew pulls the mooring buoys out of harbor.

Tue., Oct. 12th – After a public hearing, Council decides not to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission to re-zone to Commercial-2 the property at 404 West Bayview Ave. next door to the Put-in-Bay Winery (aka the Doller Estate). The Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Reverse Raffle, a really popular and fun-filled night on the island, takes place in the tent used for the Oktoberfest in the Village Park. Three false Bingos in one night sets a record!

Wed., Oct. 13th – At the Senior Center, they make about eight gallons of apple cider for their annual “Cider Press Potluck.” Delicious food was enjoyed by the island seniors and Mother Nature even decided to cooperate after some iffy morning storm clouds passed overhead. Islanders are invited to Woody Widmar’s residence on Trenton Ave. to purchase items from his estate. All funds go to a PIBHS scholarship fund in his memory.

Thu., Oct. 14th – With temperatures in the low 80s, Jody Frimel is tending the flower bed on the walkway up to the Put-in-Bay Winery at the Doller Estate. The “Rock by the Sea” multi-day, charity music festival is taking place at Mr. Ed’s Bar and the Reel Bar. Rain starts before midnight.

Fri., Oct. 15th – Students from Baldwin Wallace University are the last to have a field trip to Stone Lab on Gibraltar Island for the 2021 season. Driving by the Reel Bar on a rainy island afternoon, you see it is packed with those enjoying the “Rock by the Sea” music festival. Duff Spatafore is upstairs in the PIB Town Hall conducting the wedding rehearsal for the Bodenbender/Socha wedding.

Sat., Oct. 16th – Another busy day on the island! Ferry service to both PIB and Middle Bass goes on hold for a time when northwest wind-driven water covers Miller’s Catawba Dock. Things start with a fall garlic mustard pull in Cooper’s Woods. Andy Van Camp, the National Park Service Great Lakes Restoration Initiative ranger at Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial, is on hand to help identify the rosettes (first year leaves) of the garlic mustard and discuss invasive plants. Memorial services are held for Woody Widmar at home plate at the ball diamond. The Panther Twirling Club entertains at the Woody Harvest Scholarship fundraiser at the Goat Soup and Whiskey in the afternoon. The Harvest Fest Bazaar is also taking place in the crowded Biergarten there. This year’s “Haunted Bar Crawl” around downtown takes place. At the Reel Bar they’re having a Southern Boil complete with clams, shrimp, sausage, potatoes and corn. It’s “Game Night” at the Put-in-Bay Yacht Club. Over on Middle Bass there’s a Turkey shoot in the field behind John Schneider’s house.

Sun., Oct. 17th – The Celebration of Life for Tommy Dailey takes place at the Boathouse in the afternoon. Tommy’s brothers, Kevin and Reese are both eloquent as they eulogize him before a packed audience. The Browns Backers are at Mr. Ed’s Bar to watch their team play. Visitors enjoy the last historic weapons demonstration of the 2021 season at Perry’s Monument. Up on Pelee Island there’s a “hell on heels walk.” It sounds rather interesting.

Mon., Oct. 18th – Instead of giving Columbus Day off (a week earlier), PIB School students have a vacation day today. Larry, the dolphin on top of the Blue Marlin Bar and Grille at the Put-in-Bay Resort, is taken down and put away for the winter. Vicky Wigle from Kayak the Bay finds some “dead mans toes” on the West Shore. They are not what you may be thinking. They are mushrooms.

Tue., Oct. 19th – Three huge military cargo planes fly low over the Bass Islands shortly before 2 p.m.

Wed., Oct. 20th – Ohio Governor Mike DeWine visits North, Middle and South Bass Islands to check out the three state parks with ODNR officials. DeRivera Park Manager John Galvin and crew are getting the docks cleaned up and put to bed for the winter. At the Erie Islands Library they are creating some wine glasses perfect for Halloween. A 12-ounce prime rib dinner special complete with Marie Schroeder’s chocolate cake ala mode is available at Hooligans. There’s a spectacular full moon rising to the east of the islands.

Thu., Oct. 21st – Thunderstorms to the west and a rising sun in the east make for some beautiful photographs which are posted on social media. Bernice Walton has been selling items from Woody Widmar’s home to help fund the scholarship established in his name. This is the last day she’s there to sell things before they are donated to a charity organization. You can “Burger Night” it at PIBYC before heading to the Fishbowl where the Browns Backers are meeting to watch the evening’s game. At the Town Hall, there’s a Put-in-Bay Baton Twirling Club dessert potluck and awards ceremony, plus the kids do a couple of their routines for the parents and grandparents. Ed Hubner, there watching his grandchildren Eli Heineman and Kate Hubner perform, gets hit in the head with a baton. Neither EMS or Lifeflight are called. Jenny Fuchs spots a lone Mayfly. It’s the last Burger night of the season at the Yacht Club.

Fri., Oct. 22nd – Dave Warga is taking down his “Casual Cape” rental on Mike’s Drive on East Point. The Shanty Bar opens for the winter at the Forge.

Sat., Oct. 23rd – Roger Parker spots a Mayfly, perhaps the last of the season. It’s “Halloween at the Bay” and the official end to the season. It’s not quite what it was back in the day when the Beer Barrel Saloon was packed with costumed partygoers. At Put-in-Bay Yacht Club there’s a Member Appreciation Party in the afternoon. Bob Gatewood is entertaining at the Reel Bar’s last day of the season.

Sun., Oct. 24th – An hour after midnight, Cameo Pizza at Mr. Ed’s closes for the season. The Put-in-Bay Runners Club holds its last run of the season. In honor of Tommy Dailey and Patrick Myers, the Pumpkin Bowl is played in the grass of the softball field. The Whiskey Light is shut off at the Round House in the afternoon. Ray Fogg is on hand to sing his song, “Look For The Whiskey Light.” It’s also the last day for Mossbacks.

Mon., Oct. 25th – The nor’easter that was predicted for today peters out after Miller Ferry calls off the first trip in the morning. Several island business owners and employees are seen cleaning their patios and putting signage away for the winter.

Tue., Oct. 26th – Miller Ferry’s first boat is off the island is cancelled for the second day in a row. Ottawa County Health Department announces it will have a vaccination clinic on the island on Friday, November 5th, to give Covid booster shots at the fire station. Within 24 hours the appointment slots are filled. Bid proposals are due at the Port Authority office for the 3-year golf cart rental contract at Put-in-Bay Airport.

Wed., Oct. 27th – Val Chornyak, Judy Berry, Sally Stuckey and Diane Nemec enjoy playing tennis at the Crew’s Nest. Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab are hosting a virtual algae identification workshop. The Chamber of Commerce executive board has a strategic planning session at the Lake Erie Islands Nature & Wildlife center in the afternoon. They are discussing goals and strategies for 2022 tourism season. The Dodge Woods Preserve is filled with costumed kids enjoying the library’s HalloReads program along the StoryWalk. Paul Kohrs is celebrating his birthday at the home of Tim and Jeanette Luecke, his next door neighbors.

Thu., Oct. 28th – Hooligans has a traditional Thanksgiving dinner special and there’s hardly an empty seat in the house. One weather program on the internet shows lots of nor’east wind, plus rain for 47 of the next 48 hours starting at midnight. Looks like it may be a dreary Friday and Saturday.

Fri., Oct. 29th – Ferry service is normal in the morning, but there’s only one trip shortly afternoon for Put-in-Bay and no trips for Middle Bass. Sue Thwaite is at the Picnic Basket closing up for the winter. A beautiful 8 point buck is spotted on Monument grounds going to East Point.

Sat., Oct. 30th – There’s no 7 a.m. leaving PIB, but trips are on the regular schedule the rest of the day. The Rec Committee’s Halloween parade for the island kids takes place on Delaware Ave. before lunch. It’s a bit windy and drizzly, but everyone has a great time. Hooligans has a menu that “changes by the minute” and draft beers for $1 for its close down party. Over on Middle Bass, kids meet at the General Store for a Halloween party. There is a report of an injured peacock at the end of Chapman Rd. The Goat has a Tom & Scarry party in the evening.

Sun., Oct. 31st – Joe’s Bar is having their annual close down potluck in the afternoon. The Browns Backers are there watching the Browns take on the Steelers. Island children are dressed in their favorite Halloween costumes for trick or treating in the evening. Thanks to Island Hardware for distributing the map again this year.

Putinbay.com is proud to present the Put-in-Bay Gazette’s Island Diary for October, in the November 2021 issue of the Gazette.

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