Put-in-Bay Island Diary: September 2021

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Island Diary September 2021

Wed., Sept. 1st – Thanks to Hurricane Ida, Miller Boat Line cancels the 8 p.m. trip leaving PIB and the 8:30 p.m. trip leaving Catawba. Roger Rhoad and Justine Cultice enjoy their traditional father/daughter bucket of beer on the porch at the Roundhouse. There’s a new book on the Put-in-Bay StoryWalk Trail…..Come sing along with the Noisy Birds. Special thanks to Mark Wilhelm for helping with installation and to Joe Scarpelli of Fox Stone Products for the use of a tool.

Thu., Sept. 2nd – The temp is delightful, the wind dies, but the flies are biting like crazy. Matt Parker gives his brother Ben (aka Ben Dover) a tour of the island. Ben enjoys a visit with his mom, Annie Parker, plus sees other family and friends. Every outside table at the Put-in-Bay is filled for Dick’s Burger Night.

Fri., Sept. 3rd – Put-in-Bay Gazette Editor Kendra Koehler, Garden Club President Barb Hunter and Debbie Larcey from the Hamptons at Fox’s Den take the Jet Express to Kelleys Island for a little day of fun.

Sat., Sept. 4th – Jeanette Luecke is gardening at her home on Airport Rd. There’s a luau at the Put-in-Bay Yacht Club. Miller Ferry is featured on World’s Greatest TV! on Bloomberg Television. There’s a garage sale at Glenn Cooper and Jackie Taylor’s residence on East Point.

Sun., Sept. 5th – There’s a bit of a break in the antique car parade which delays candy truck to the dismay of some island kids.

Mon., Sept. 6th – There’s a potluck at the Crew’s Nest for the antique car paraders with entertainment by J.D. Owen. The Labor Day parade unofficial count is 75. Matthew Stacy (PIBHS Class of 2019) turns 21. It’s the last day that the Crew’s Nest pool will be open for the season. For the last ferry send off there’s a fireworks show that for some is the best of the 2021. A big shout out to Ty Winchester and his helper Adam from Pasquale’s who were at the end of the dock shooting off the fireworks. There’s also live entertainment featuring Allie Market, Westside Steve and Dick McCarthy. After the send off, fans see Ray Fogg and Bob Gatewood together on stage at the Reel Bar.

Tue., Sept. 7th – Monk Nemec, Susan Novak Byrnes, Sue Ferguson, Greg and Paula Ziebarth and new pickers, Tracy and Joe Ruch, are picking grapes in Lisa and Russ Brohl’s vineyard. Jenny Fuchs is picking Concords in Heineman’s Catawba Ave. vineyard. Cameo Pizza closes for the day to give its employees a break. The ferry schedule for Middle Bass Island changes, a sign that the season is coming to an end. Graveside services take place for Bill Parker. It’s Hot Wheels Night at the library!

Wed., Sept. 8th – It’s a spectacular September day! Put-in-Bay Village Jake Market, Village Administrator Anne Auger and Mayor Jessica Dress meet to discuss financing for water treatment plant improvements. The Goat staff enjoys a Cameo Pizza Night at Joe’s Bar. At the Reel Bar there’s a wine tasting dinner with five fine wines from Burgundy, France with sommelier Robby Lucas (PIBHS Class of 1999) and Chef Terry Galvin from the Boardwalk.

Thu., Sept. 9th – The Monument staff reports to work and finds black spray painted graffiti on the park’s north seawall. The welcome to Put-in-Bay sign by the Lime Kiln is also vandalized. Greg Dobos, Mark Wilhelm, Doug Wilhelm and Ryan Daugherty place 343 flags in front of the PIBPD in remembrance of the firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11. There is a Celebration of Life for Nick James at Oak Point State Park. It’s followed by a luncheon at the Town Hall.

Fri., Sept. 10th – The Village Council meets to pass an emergency ordinance directing the Village Administrator Anne Auger to apply for Ohio Public Works Commission funding for repairs and repainting the PIB water tower. The Perry Group commemorates the 208th Battle of Lake Erie with a wreath laying ceremony at the Battle Site. The Jet Express takes a group to the buoy that marks where the battle was fought in Lake Erie. Rides over the islands are available on the Ford Trimotor at the Put-in-Bay Airport. Ray Fogg plays at Round House in the afternoon. Rudy Cooks & The Island Girl Christie Ontko are broadcasting their show live from The Fishbowl. Russ Brohl’s sister Helen is with them sharing stories from local experts about mayflies, ore carriers and winemaking from her podcast called North Coast Chronicles.

Sat., Sept. 11th – In honor of those who served during the events of 9/11, Police, Firefighters and EMS ride the Jet Express for free. It’s a busy day on the island. There’s an auction at Bill White’s garage on Put-in-Bay Rd. There’s an eclectic mix of memorabilia of all sorts, plus furniture, tools and more. At the Monument, it’s Historic Weekend and the reenactors are out in full force at the 1812 camp with displays and demonstrations of things from more than 200 years ago. There’s also a 9/11 memorial ceremony complete with a display of all the flags from all the countries that lost people on 9/11. As the day progresses, numerous helicopter and Ford Trimotor rides are being enjoyed, plus the Goodyear blimp flies over the island. In DeRivera Park, Arts in the Park is taking place, plus there’s a presentation by the Put-in-Bay Panther Baton Twirling Club. At the Yacht Club, friends and family gather to celebrate the life of longtime East Point resident Marylou Ramsbottom. With noise from the air, golf cart horns, and musket and artillery demonstrations at the Monument, the island is a pretty noisy place. On Middle Bass Island, there’s a celebration of life for John Glauser at the Town Hall. Hazard’s holds its inaugural Prom (luau themed). Adding to the excitement is the report of a 70 ft.-plus yacht that loses power and is pushed up on the rocky shore on Middle Bass. The occupants are rescued by the Coast Guard.

Sun., Sept. 12th – The Friends of Stone Laboratory holds its Virtual Annual Meeting in the morning. At the Monument in the afternoon, the old fashioned baseball game between the Muffins and the Mossbacks takes place. And if you’re not into catching baseballs, you can catch Monarch butterflies at the South Bass Island Lighthouse and tag them. We hear about 75 were tagged. An “Ohio. Find It Here.” commercial is being filmed on one of the Miller ferries. Twenty-two Road Scholars begin arriving on South Bass for an almost weeklong “Birding the Shores and Islands” program.

Mon., Sept. 13th – Miller’s Put-in-Bay ferry schedule changes. The monthly Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce Membership Meeting is held at Hooligans. Joe’s Bar is the place to be! The 2nd annual “Sloppy Scotty Eating Contest” takes place with $1500 from proceeds of a 50/50 raffle going to the PIB Vol. Fire Dept. Contest winners include Rachel Barry, Taylor Hanes, Johnny Vandenberg and Kenny Crawford

Tue., Sept. 14th – The Put-in-Bay Village Council meets and hears complaints about helicopter noise and loud music. Ohio Edison is at the Monument and begins the process of temporarily putting up overhead electric poles so that the underground transmission lines along the North Seawall can be removed for the upcoming construction work. The lines will be reburied once construction is complete. The storm at bedtime knocks out power to East Point and the upper islands for about 90 to 120 minutes.

Wed., Sept. 15th – The Words & Wine Book Club meets at the West Shore home of Doris Hubschman. Put-in-Bay’s American Legion celebrates the 100th birthday of their post with a dinner at the Goat, compliments of Goat owner and Legion member Scott Jackson. The Garden Club holds its last member meeting of the season at the yacht club.

Thu., Sept. 16th – The Resale Shop puts out bikes from the police department’s impound lot for $5 each. The last of the elevated temporary docks are removed from B-Dock. The huge yacht that half sunk off on Middle Bass arrives in Sandusky after several days bouncing against the rocks at Schneider’s dock.

Fri., Sept. 17th – It’s school picture day at PIB school. Some of the students go on a bit of a field trip where they clean a beach. Ford Broncos start arriving on the island for the Broncos on the Bay gathering on Saturday.

Sat. Sept. 18th – How many of these island events did you enjoy today? The Miller Boat Line 5K, the Put-in-Bay Music Festival, the Broncos on the Bay gathering and parade, the Halfway to St. Patty’s Day parade and festivities at Hooligans, the PIBVFD’s Island Clambake, the Sausage Fest at the Goat Biergarten, the ranger talks, rangers singing, ukulele lessons and corn hole at the Monument Peace Garden, the New Year’s at the Bay games on Delaware Ave., or the grape stomp at JF Walleye’s on Middle Bass? Or maybe you were taking part in an island wedding, at one of the crowded pool bars, watching the Ohio State game in one of the island bars or among the OSU Newark group of environmental science students taking a full day of aquatic science classes at Stone Lab?

Sun., Sept. 19th – Sponsors for the Antique Car Parade are Toby and Stephanie Landreth and the Goat Biergarten. The weather forecast isn’t looking good for the coming week’s Road Race Reunion. A group of island mothers meet for dinner at the Goat.

Mon., Sept. 20th – Portions of the Monument grounds are closed so Ohio Edison can string wires on the temporary poles that they recently placed. The Fire Engine Bar across from the Reel Bar is an empty lot at the end of the day. A bigger fire truck bar will take its place in 2022. Bartenders at Rita’s Cantina donate their tips to the Patrick Myers scholarship fund!

Tue., Sept. 21st – The race car drivers have fun running the old race course used by original road racers back in the 1950s and early 1960s. The vintage road race cars are on display at Heineman Winery where the drivers also enjoy a wine and cheese party. Also at the winery they are pressing Concord grapes from the Duff, Brohl and Heineman Concord vineyards. Bassett’s Market holds a flu shot clinic at the EMS after lunch. There is a nature scavenger hunt in Cooper’s Woods after school.

Wed., Sept. 22nd – Miller and Jet ferry service to the islands is cancelled due to rain and sustained 30 mph winds out of the north. The Museum and Resale Shop are closed due to the weather conditions. Those race car drivers who are chomping at the bit to start the race trials at the airport have to wait a day due to the weather. There are trees down across Thompson Rd. by Heineman Winery (branch on live wires with sparks and smoldering), one across West Shore Blvd. near Portsmouth and another in DeRivera Park.

Thu., Sept. 23rd – Some of the Miller crew are up in the wee hours of the morning moving a boat from one side of the Lime Kiln Dock to the other because of a wind shift at 4 a.m. Bob Bahney posts the final stats for the storm – wind 55 mph out of the northeast and rainfall of about 1¼ Inches. PIB Seniors are treated to a free box lunch thanks to Ottawa County Senior Resources. The lunch prepared by Slater’s Food & Spirits, in Port Clinton consists of a slice turkey and cheddar croissant sandwich with lettuce and tomato, potato salad, watermelon and chocolate chip cookie. The vintage road race cars are racing at the airport after a one-day postponement. The Biergarten at the Goat is busy in the late afternoon as road racers compete in their traditional Rocker Cover races. Duff Spatafore officiates at the event. There’s a lapse in Verizon cell phone service on the island.

Fri., Sept. 24th – Due to the postponement on Wednesday, the vintage road racers are still racing at the airport. The airport opens mid-afternoon once the races ended. Island artist Celeste Mycoskie from Lakeview Allotment on East Point is celebrating her 80th birthday. It’s a sad day for Put-in-Bay, as island electrician Scott Pugh is laid to rest at Crown Hill Cemetery. A reception follows at the Niagara Event Center.

Sat., Sept. 25th – The Put-in-Bay Property Owners Association (PIBPOA) meets at the Perry’s Cave Pavilion. Guest speakers include art teacher Jody Amsden from PIB High School, Lisa Brohl from the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy, Sergeant Mike Wheeler from the PIBPD, and island media guru Kathi Spayde. PIBPOA Trustee elections are also held. The Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce’s Sale Away Weekend is taking place with sales at businesses and yard sales at homes and cottages on the island. For those who like imported beer and polka music, the Oktgoaterfest takes place at Das Lokal, the Goat’s Biergarten. The Crew’s Nest holds its closedown party. The theme is “back to school.” On North Bass, funeral services are held for Ruth Stonerook, a longtime resident.

Sun., Sept. 26th – The Lake Erie Islands Conservancy’s annual meeting/fall potluck party takes place at Heineman Winery in the afternoon. The last official antique car parade for 2021 takes place. Summer 2021. The post parade sponsors are the Fishbowl and Mossbacks. This is the last day the Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center is open for the season.

Mon., Sept. 27th – It’s a gorgeous day to be a tourist visiting Put-in-Bay, but there aren’t too many of them. S&J’s Hideaway Bar at Bay Lodging holds an islander appreciation and closeout party for the season’s end. Foundation work begins for the new ladder truck that will make for a larger fire engine bar next season.

Tue., Sept. 28th – Street pavers are busy on Catawba Ave. near the Mitchell/Thompson intersection. At the Reel Bar there’s a Fine Bourbon Tasting. Pairings are prepared by Northern Haserot’s corporate chef, Jason Baliman. Miller Boat Line holds a fun-filled, Vegas-themed employee party at the Boardwalk’s Upper Deck.

Wed., Sept. 29th – The Fuchs and Market families find themselves without Spectrum cable service after a truck hauling one section of a modular home clips the lines running from the electric poles to their houses. Kendra Koehler is at the museum putting the final touches on the baskets that will be auctioned off at the Wine Festival at the Put-in-Bay Winery on the weekend.

Thurs., Sept. 30th – The Island Wine Festival tents are going up at the Put-in-Bay Winery in the morning. It’s Burger Night at PIB Yacht Club, and the guest grillmaster is “Listen to Larry” Schrader from the West Shore. The regular grillmaster, Dick Bliss, and his wife Betty leave the island and head to Florida for the winter.

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