Downtown Dave Previews The Week (6/14-6/20) is happy to welcome back Downtown Dave! A short column by Dave Schafer, owner of Ashley’s Island House and friend of the site, Downtown Dave will share this week’s live music schedule at the Bay, as well as his thoughts on what’s what at PIB!

Downtown Dave is going to make you want to come to the Bay this holiday weekend. Here’s where we think you should stay!

This Week’s Live Music At The Bay!

Mr. Ed’s
Friday Brandon Biehl 12:30 Ty Stevens 5pm Reckless Highway 9:30
Saturday Calen Savidge 12:30 Casper 5pm Reckless Highway 9:30
Sunday Calen Savidge 12:30 Casper 5pm Reckless Highway 9:30
Monday Kris Ferrel 3:00 Roadhouse Band 9:00
Tuesday Kris Ferrel 3:00 Roadhouse Band 9:00
Wednesday Kris Ferrel 3:00 Roadhouse Band 9:00
Thursday Brian and JT 12:30 Hunterhoop 5:00 Fun Buckets 9:30

Beer Barrel
Friday Kyle Smithers 2:00 Tobi Lee 6pm Blake Taylor 9:30
Saturday Kyle Smithers 2:00 Tobi Lee 6pm Blake Taylor 9:30
Sunday Gabe Walsh 3:00 Tobi Lee 7:30
Monday Gabe Walsh 3:00 Tobi Lee 7:30
Tuesday Gabe Walsh 3:00 Tobi Lee 7:30
Wednesday Gabe Walsh 3:00 Tobi Lee 7:30
Thursday Gabe Walsh 2:00 Tobi Lee 6:00

Round House
Friday Not Fast Enough 2:00 Bendrez 8:30
Saturday Mad Dog 2:00 Paul Franks 6:30 Bendrez 9:30
Sunday Let Her Rip 2 Dustin Kines 8:30
Monday Dustin Kines 2:00 Dustin Kines 8:30
Tuesday Dustin Kines 2:00 Dustin Kines 8:30
Wednesday Paradise Island 2pm Dustin Kines 8:30
Thursday Paradise Island 2pm The Warped Band 8:30

Mojito Bay
Friday Tim Oliver 4:00 Franke and Ranke 8pm
Saturday Tony Salazar 12:00 Tim Oliver 4:00 Franke and Ranke 8:00
Sunday Tim Oliver 2:00 Tony Salazar 8:00
Monday That Allie Girl 8:00
Tuesday That Allie Girl 8:00
Wednesday Brian Day and JT 8:00
Thursday Brian Day and JT 8:00


Friday Reese and Tom 4:00 Rock House 9:00
Saturday Reese and Tom 2:00 Rock House 9:00
Sunday Brian Panke Duo 7:30
Monday Brain Panke Duo 7:30
Tuesday John Salamon 8:00
Wednesday John Salamon 8:00
Thursday John Salamon 8:00

Reel Bar
Friday Ray Fogg 7:30
Saturday Bob Gatewood 3:00 Ray Fogg 7:30
Thursday First week of Lake Erie Idol 9:30

Friday Lucky Penny Sisters 8:00
Saturday Pat Shepard 2:00 Johnny O 8:00
Saunday Meager Kings 2:00

The Keys
Friday Audiophile
Saturday Jimmy Jack
Sunday Jimmy Jack
Monday Cooper Eller
Tuesday Cooper Eller
Wednesday That Allie Girl
Thursday That Allie Girl

Fish Bowl
Friday Lucas Guy 3:00 Lee Warren 7:00
Saturday Lee Warren 1:00 DJ Mike 7:00
Wednesday Karaoke 9:00
Thursday Pat Masalko 6:00

Use These Quick Links To Plan A PIB Trip!

Downtown Dave’s Thought(s) For The Week

Win the morning
Could you imagine if you woke up on purpose, with a purpose every day? How can you expect to achieve excellence when the first decision you make is to procrastinate the day by hitting the snooze button. Win the morning by getting up early and get a workout in and fuel your body with not just coffee but a good breakfast.
Do the hard things
We are surrounded by people who want the fastest and easiest path to success, but not me not anymore. Rather then run from the challenge that is keeping you from doing what you want, stare it in the face, learn about it, and embrace it.
Embrace feedback
The average person hates to be told what theta re doing wrong or what they can do better. Learning to accept feedback is not easy. Even for me but over time I have excepted it and learned from it. And it has made me better.
Learn from failure
No one like to lose or fail. I have failed many times in my life. But I have sat back and replayed what happened and looked at what I could have done better to win the next time. Do I always win the next time. Nope but if I keep on trying and analyzing what went wrong I will eventually win.
Choose your attitude.
One of the most important things I do every day is to choose my attitude. When I wake up every morning I look at myself in the mirror. The good thing is that I can see myself. So that means that I am alive. LOL Then I take 5 seconds and think quickly about the day ahead. The challenges that might arrive as the day goes on. But at the point I choose to have a great attitude and a great outlook on the day ahead of me. If you start off the day with negative thoughts that will hound you all day and you will not have a good day. Things can happen that can derail your attitude but you have to take a 20 second mental break and reboot yourself and get that positive attitude back.
Fear no one
Refuse to let people intimidate you. You do not need anybody’s permission to do something great. Putting others on a pedestal makes you susceptible to beating up on yourself because you feel that you are not as good as they are. Anyone can be beat, including me. So respect your competion but refuse to fear them…who knows they may fear you.

There is always a reason to smile.
Find it. After all , you are really lucky just to be alive. Life is short. We are not here for a long time, we are here for a good time. And you always have a good time if you come to Put in Bay