Downtown Dave Previews The Week (7/6-7/12) is happy to introduce a new weekly feature, Downtown Dave! A short column by friend of the site Dave Schafer, Downtown Dave will provide some insight into what’s happening at the Bay any given week, as well as information on that weekend’s live music.
Dave Schafer is the owner of Ashley’s Island house, a 13-room bed and breakfast on the island. Learn more about it at or call 419-285-2844!

Downtown Dave is going to make you want to come to the Bay this weekend.

Here’s where we think you should stay!

Last Week At The Bay

Well, if you were not here last weekend, you missed a lot. If you were here, you would have great memories of your weekend. The music all over the island was the best it’s been all year. Then we had an awesome fireworks show over the water to cap off a great long weekend. My suggestion would be to call your favorite place to stay and reserve your room for 2024’s 4th of July weekend. Next year  the 4th is on a Thursday, so I am sure many people will take advantage and come up for all 3 days.

The Week Ahead At The Bay

It is hard to believe, but the days are getting shorter already. But you still have time for a summer visit to Put-in-Bay.
The big news is that Good Morning America will be doing their show live from Put-in-Bay Thursday, July 13th from 7am to 9am. So get up a little early and watch the broadcast before you go to work, or just record it and watch it when you get home. But it will be a must see. Our little island is going big time!
Other big news, a long time island performer, Bob Gatewood, has put together a recording of all of your favorite songs including the Island song Friends of the Bay. You can order it on iTunes or you can go to and order the CD on July 14th.

Downtown Dave’s Thought(s) For The Week

The thoughts of the week:

This is a list of things that I have learned in my life.

That when you are in love, it shows.
That when a child falls asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
That being kind is more important than being right.
That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end the faster it goes.
That money doesn’t buy you class.
That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
That under everyone’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person to continue to hurt you.
That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people who are smarter than I am.
That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.
That life is tough but I AM TOUGHER.
That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
That one should keep your words soft and tender because you might have to eat them tomorrow.
Last one Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain. They think that they will be happy when they get there. But the real happiness and growth occurs when you are climbing the mountain.

Have a great week everybody and we will see you at Put-in-Bay this weekend! One more note please check out the live cams and make them a favorite on your computer. The cams will bring back old memories from your trips to Put-in-Bay and it will make you come back for more.

Use These Quick Links To Plan A PIB Trip!

This Week’s Live Music At The Bay!

Have a great week everybody, see you at the Bay!
Here is this week’s schedule:
Thursday Paradise Island 2pm Shake Shake Shake 8:30
Friday      Bluff Canucks out of Canada great classic rock  2pm Shake Shake Shake 8:30
Saturday  Bluff Canucks 2pm Paul Franks 6:30 Shake Shake Shake 9:30
Sunday    Bluff Canucks 2pm  High Five Swan Dive 8:30 They are a trio that plays in New Jersey and Delaware. 
Monday   Dustin Kines 2pm High Five Swan Dive  8:30
Tuesday  Dustin KInes 2pm High Five Swan Dive 8:30
Wed        Calabash 2pm  High Five Swan Dive 8:30
Thursday Lake Erie Idol 9:30 come and see the locals compete for Put in Bay Idol trophy
Friday      Ohio Weather band from Akron 2pm  Ray Fogg  7:30
Saturday  Ohio Weather band  2pm  Ray Fogg  7:30
Sunday    Ohio Weather band 2pm
Thursday  Jimmy Jack Duo 7:00
Friday       Ninja Duo 4pm Trailer Park Ninjas  9pm out of Cleveland be ready to dance
Saturday   Ninja Duo 4pm Trailer Park Ninjas  9pm
Sunday     Chad Hoffman 7pm
Monday     Chad Hoffman 7pm
Tuesday    Chad Hoffman 7pm
Weds        Caitie Thompson
Thursday Dustin Kines-Nashville Showcase 12:30 Hunter Hoop 5pm Fun Buckets 9:30pm
Friday      Dustin Kines 12:30 Ty Stevens 5pm Ladies Night  9:30 playing pop Diva hits.
Saturday  Dustin Kines 12:30 Casper 5pm  Ladies Night 9:30
Sunday    Ladies night acoustic 1:30 Casper 6pm  Hello Mcfly 9:30
Monday    Hello Mcfly Duo 9pm
Tuesday   Hello McFly Duo 9pm
Wed         Danny Christian 3pm Live band Karaoke 9:30
Thursday   The Other Brothers 2pm Jason Saitta 6pm PS dump your boyfriend 9:30pm back for a return visit
Friday        Jason Saitta 2pm Shifferly Road 5:30 pm  PS dump your Boyfriend 9:30
Saturday     Jason Saitta 2pm Shifferly Road 5:30 pm  PS dump your Boyfriend 9:30
Sunday      Fiddle Faced 2pm Jason Saitta 6 pm  Jason Owens 9:30
Monday      Fiddle Faced 2pm Tobi Lee 6pm pm  Jason Owens 9:30
Tuesday     Fiddle Faced 2pm Tobi Lee 6pm pm  Jason Owens 9:30
Weds          Fiddle Faced 2pm Tobi Lee 6pm pm  Jason Owens 9:30
Thursday   Alexis Robertson 7pm
Friday        Lucas Guy 3pm Alexis Robertson 7pm
Saturday   Luke Rausch 3pm  Dj Mike D 7-12
Wed          Karaoke 8pm
Thursday Catie Thompson 8pm
Friday      Pat Shepard 2pm Rye Davis 8pm
Saturday Catie Thompson 3pm Rye Davis 8pm
Sunday   Half Naked Monkeys 2pm  Rye Davis 8pm
Thursday  Mike Drum 4pm Pat Masalko 8pm
Friday       The Gryphons 4pm Jamtastic 8pm
Saturday   Trae Myers 12 The Gryphons 4pm  Jamtastic 8pm
Sunday     The Gryphons 2pm Trae Myers 8pm
Monday     Trae Myers 4pm  That Allie Girl 8pm
Tuesday     Sunshine James 4pm That Allie Girl 8pm
Weds         Sunshine James  4pm Chase Eagleson
Thursday   That Allie Girl 2pm and 6pm
Friday         Isaac Ryder 2pm and  6pm
Saturday    Isaac Ryder 2pm and  6pm
Sunday      Slow no Wake  2pm and 6pm
Monday     Slow no Wake 2pm and 6pm
Tuesday    Slow no Wake 2pm and 6pm
Weds         Lucas Guy 2pm amd 6 pm
Topsy Turveys is having and island Jam night every Monday night 9-11