Downtown Dave is going to make you want to come to the Bay this weekend.
Here’s where we think you should stay!
- Island Club Rentals ( – 216-898-9951
- Commodore Resort ( – 419-285-3101
- Bird’s Nest Resort ( – 419-285-6119
Downtown Dave’s Thought(s) For The Week
This weeks thoughts hopefully make you ponder and think.
I have learned these facts throughout my life.
That you cannot make somebody love you. All you can do is be someone that can be loved.
The rest is up to them.
That no matter how much I care, some people do not care back.
It takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it.
That is not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts.
That 2 people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
That it is hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting somebody’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.
That money is a lousy way of keeping score.
That sometimes when I am angry I have the right to be angry but that does not give me the right to be cruel.
That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
That either you control your attitude or it controls you.
That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to does not mean they do not love you with all they have.
That our background may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we have become.
That credentials on the wall do not make you a better human being .
That regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there better be something else to take its place.
That you should leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
Another great weekend was had by all on Put in Bay. The music as always was outstanding and I did not feel like it was super crowded. There was really a great vibe on the island. I know that some kids are back in school and some are even back in college. Plus high school football starts up this weekend. None of that matters because we only have a few weeks till the summer is over. But we do have some great weekends in the fall. So make your plans to come up to Put in Bay, if not this weekend plan a weekend in the fall.
Use These Quick Links To Plan A PIB Trip!
- Things To Do At Put-in-Bay
- 2023 Put-in-Bay Event Calendar
- Our Favorite Places To Eat At PIB
- Put-in-Bay Ferry Service
This Week’s Live Music At The Bay!
There are still tickets available