Downtown Dave Previews The Week (9/13-9/19) is happy to welcome back Downtown Dave! A short column by Dave Schafer, owner of Ashley’s Island House and friend of the site, Downtown Dave will share this week’s live music schedule at the Bay, as well as his thoughts on what’s what at PIB!

Downtown Dave is going to make you want to come to the Bay this weekend. Here’s where we think you should stay!

This Week’s Live Music At The Bay!

Mr. Ed’s
Friday Rob Lundi 2:00 Brian Panke Band 9:00
Saturday Casper 4:00 Brian Panke Band 9:00
Sunday Rob Lundi 8:00
Friday Cooper Eller 2:00 Matt Whataguy Band 9:00
Saturday Matt Whataguy Band 9:00

Beer Barrel
Friday Kyle Smithers 2:00 Tobi Lee 6:00 28 Days 9:30
Saturday Kyle Smithers 2:00 Tobi Lee 6:00 28 Days 9:30
Sunday Kyle Smithers 2:00
Friday Kyle Smithers 2:00 That Allie Girl 5:30 PS Dump Your Boyfriend 9:30
Saturday Kyle Smithers 2:00 That Allie Girl 5:30 PS Dump Your Boyfriend 9:30

Round House
Friday Distractions 2:00 Dear Zoe 8:30
Saturday Mad Dog 2:00 Paul Franks 6:30 Dear Zoe 9:30
Friday Screaming Heathens Duo 2:00 Lauralea and Tripp Fabulous 8:30
Saturday Mad Dog 2:00 Lauralea and Tripp Fabulous 8:30

Mojito Bay

Friday Brad Moore 8:00
Saturday Brad Moore 2:00
Sunday Brad Moore 2:00
Friday Tim Oliver 8:00
Saturday Scott Paris 2:00


Friday Franke and Ranke 5:00 Ashley Martin Band 9:00
Saturday Franke and Ranke 2:00 Ashley Martin Band 9:00
Friday Reese Daily and Tom Lawson 5:00 DJ A Dubb 8:00
Saturday Reese Daily and Tom Lawson 2:00 DJ A Dubb 8:00

Reel Bar

Friday Bob Gatewood 7:30
Saturday Ray Fogg 7:30
Friday Bob Gatewood 7:30
Saturday Ray Fogg 7:30

Use These Quick Links To Plan A PIB Trip!

Downtown Dave’s Thought(s) For The Week

Well before I get to thoughts of the week I have to mention something that happened to me last weekend. I was at The Reel Bar watching Bob Gatewood play. As I came in Bob said Downtown Dave is in the house. Well I had this nice lady come up to me and Thank me for doing the post. She even gave me a hug. She wondered why I did not do a post last week. She said she had to search on her own to find out who was playing around town. So I told her I will never miss another week. Also I am going to try and list 2 weekends in every post so people can plan for the week ahead also.

So lets cover thoughts of the week.
I live on a very small island and gossip can travel like crazy. The funny thing about gossip is when it gets to the 10th person on the list the story has changed so much from the original version that it is crazy. This island is just like your workplace. Gossip travels like a forest fire. It is very hard not to listen about somebodies else troubles. Why do we listen and pass the gossip around? Because it makes us feel better when somebody is getting put down. But the problem is that depending on where you are on the gossip tree what you are hearing can be 100 false. Most people like to gossip but most people do not like people that gossip. So avoid the gossip trap. You can still have conversations with other without spreading false rumors. Just remember if you spread false things those people could do the same to you in return. This leads to my other point of the week. Before you criticize somebody step back for a few minutes and put yourself in their shoes. Do you really know everything about that person? Do you know why they act the way they do? Do you know why they dress the way they do? There could be a really good reason they do what they do. Just because they are not like you does not mean that they are a bad person. Think about maybe how they look at you. Everybody in this world is different even identical twins. Every has different physical features and a different mental makeup. So before you spend your energy spreading things about somebody just accept the fact that in America everybody has the right to be different. We can talk, dress and act the way we want. ( within the laws) . Before you judge somebody you have no idea what their life is like behind closed doors. So lets make the world a better place and stop the gossip.

Have a great week everybody and I will post again next week and every week till the end of the season on Put in Bay

So this week is halfway to St Pattys Day. Always a fun weekend on the Island.
During the week is the Put in Bay road races at the airport.
The following weekend is Big Day at the Bay. We will have a 5 k race, Garage Sales and Gambling in the street.

Hopefully we will see you this weekend.