Downtown Dave Previews The Week (9/20-9/26) is happy to welcome back Downtown Dave! A short column by Dave Schafer, owner of Ashley’s Island House and friend of the site, Downtown Dave will share this week’s live music schedule at the Bay, as well as his thoughts on what’s what at PIB!

Downtown Dave is going to make you want to come to the Bay this weekend. Here’s where we think you should stay!

This (and next) Week’s Live Music At The Bay!

Mr. Ed’s
Friday Cooper Eller 2:00 Matt Whataguy Band 9:00
Saturday Matt Whataguy Band 9:00
Sunday Casper 8:00
Friday Cooper Eller 2:00 Y Not Band 9:00
Saturday Y Not Band after Ohio State Game

Beer Barrel
Friday Kyle Smithers 2:00 That Allie Girl 5:30 PS Dump Your Boyfriend 9:30
Saturday Kyle Smithers 2:00 That Allie Girl 5:30 PS Dump Your Boyfriend 9:30
Sunday Kyle Smithers 2:00
Friday Johnny Breeze 6:00 Tradewinds 9:30
Saturday Johnny Breeze 2:00 That Allie Girl 6:00 Tradewinds 9:30

Round House
Friday Screaming Heathens Duo 2:00 Lauralea and Tripp Fabulous 8:30
Saturday Mad Dog 2:00 Lauralea and Tripp Fabulous 8:30
Friday Screaming Heathens Duo 2:00 Ryan and Michelle Band 8:30
Saturday Sellouts 2:00 Ryan and Michelle Band 8:30

Mojito Bay

Friday Tim Oliver 8:00
Saturday Scott Paris 2:00 Tim Oliver 8:00
Friday Franke and Ranke 8:00
Saturday Franke and Ranke 8:00


Friday Reese Daily and Tom Lawson 5:00 DJ A Dubb 8:00
Saturday Reese Daily and Tom Lawson 2:00 DJ A Dubb 8:00
Friday Tony Schultz 5:00 The Fabulous Johnson Brothers 9:00
Saturday Tony Schultz 2:00 The Fabulous Johnson Brothers 9:00

Reel Bar

Friday Bob Gatewood 7:30
Saturday Ray Fogg 7:30
Friday Bob Gatewood 7:30
Saturday Ray Fogg 7:30

Use These Quick Links To Plan A PIB Trip!

Downtown Dave’s Thought(s) For The Week

I am going to talk about music this week. This column every week is all about music. I was talked into doing this column last year because I always post videos of bands that play on Put in Bay on my personal facebook page. Plus I try to every week to post my thoughts of the week on my facebook page. So Paul Jeris convinced me to to a weekly post to cover both items. Well I have really enjoyed sharing my thoughts with everybody and also the music schedule for Put in Bay. I have enjoyed those of you that come up to me when I am out and about and make comments about this post and Thank me. I hope some of my comments have made you think about things and life in general. As long as Paul will have me back I will continue to do this every week that the island is open. So now that I have done some promoting and Thanking everybody lets get back to the music. Every time I do this post I am listening to music. That is what started my adventures to Put in Bay 23 years ago. Not the beer and the bars but the great musicians that play here. I am not one to just go to a bar to drink I want to hear music. If I want to have a few drinks I can just go to a friends house or just sit on the front porch at Ashleys Island House and chat with my guests. Music has a way to take you away from every day life. It is an escape. Many artists write about what is going on their life and many of us can relate to the same thing. Music also can take you back in time and trigger your memory in when you first heard that song. Many of us sing to every word of some songs that hold a special meaning to us. I went and saw Green Day in Detroit a few weeks back and it was a great show. It brought back memories of probably the 6 times that I have seen them perform. I am smiling as I write this now because every memory was awesome. So how about you come up to Put in Bay before the end of the season and make your new memories.

Well what a beautiful couple weeks of fantastic weather. I know the farmers could use some rain and so could Put in Bay. The crowds have been really good and you still have plenty of time to head up to the island. Most lodging has gone to there fall rates.

Hopefully we will see you this weekend.