Downtown Dave Previews The Week (9/7-9/13) is happy to introduce a new weekly feature, Downtown Dave! A short column by friend of the site Dave Schafer, Downtown Dave will provide some insight into what’s happening at the Bay any given week, as well as information on that weekend’s live music.
Dave Schafer is the owner of Ashley’s Island house, a 13-room bed and breakfast on the island. Learn more about it at or call 419-285-2844!

Downtown Dave is going to make you want to come to the Bay this weekend. Here’s where we think you should stay!

Downtown Dave’s Thought(s) For The Week

What a great weekend on Put in Bay. Lots of great music and of course the Ohio State Marching band spent all day Sunday here. If you live in Ohio you have this love for the band even if you graduated from another school. They do a great job of representing the state of Ohio. Every week I go to you tube to see what new formation that they do every week. It was amazing to see people lining the streets with their lawn chairs just waiting for the band to come by. The Chamber of Commerce raised a lot of money to make the event happen. It is not cheap to pull off something like that event. But it was well worth it because it was a great family event. Put in Bay is a lot more than bars and music. It is a great community and that was evident on Monday night when we had the last boat party at the Miller Ferry dock. Every place on the island closed so all of the employees could wave the last boat of the night goodbye. Now we are not closed for the season just yet. We have lots of events and lots of good music still to come this year.
Historic Weekend in Observation of the 210th Anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie  Put-in-Bay, Ohio – Sunday, September 10 marks the 210th Anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie and Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial has activities planned for the entire weekend. Come to South Bass Island for the day or the weekend and take part in the annual observation of this important US Naval victory.     Events include a flag retirement ceremony, small arms and artillery demonstrations, historic encampment, Fort Meigs Fife and Drums performances, and a community parade. On Sunday, September 10 at 3pm, the weekend culminates with the traditional laying of the wreath as a final remembrance of the Battle 210 years earlier. All events are FREE for everyone to enjoy.
The schedule of events for the weekend include:
Friday, September 8  7 pm Flag Retirement Ceremony at the base of the flag poles
Saturday, September 9  11 am – 1 pm Living history, small arms, and artillery demonstrations on the west lawn
2 pm Community Parade through the Village of Put-in-Bay featuring vintage Broncos, marching bands from Clyde and Anthony Wayne among many others
3 pm Marching bands from Clyde and Anthony Wayne perform near the flag poles on the west lawn
3:30 pm Sounds of Victory program featuring bag pipes, music of the 1813 era, Fife and Drums, and artillery demonstrations
Sunday, September 10  11 am – 2 pm Living history, small arms, and artillery demonstrations on the west lawn
3:00 pm Memorial ceremony on the back porch of the visitor center with a procession to the rotunda of the Memorial for a wreath laying followed by the last artillery demonstration of the 2023 season
Throughout the weekend rangers and volunteers will be presenting demonstrations and talks on a wide variety of topics including the War of 1812, the Battle of Lake Erie, blacksmithing, tin smith, wood working, frontier living, medical procedures of the period, historic cooking, and performing music of the era.
On Monday, September 11, Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial will honor the victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks and first responders by flying National flags on the upper plaza of the Memorial. These flags represent each country who had a citizen killed during the attacks on 9/11.


Use These Quick Links To Plan A PIB Trip!

This Week’s Live Music At The Bay!

This time of the year live music is mostly on weekends. But I will continue to post all of the music that is here on the island so you can have a great evening when you come to visit. Do not forget to watch the various web cams because you will see what you are missing.
Friday       Ray Fogg for a rare Roundhouse show 2pm Amelia Airharts 8:30
Saturday Not Fast Enough 2pm Amelia Airharts 8:30
Sunday    Tony Salazar 8:30
Weds       Jerry Sprague 2pm
Thursday Laura Lee Duo 8:30
Friday      Bob Gatewood 7:30
Saturday  Ray Fogg 7:30
Friday        Catie Thompson 4pm The 25s 9pm\
Saturday   Catie Thompson 4pm The 25s 9pm
Friday       Hunter Hoop 3pm Our Short Years 9pm
Saturday  Casper 5pm Our Short Years 9pm
Friday  That Allie Girl 2pm Jason Saitta 6pm Blake Tyler 9:30 pm
Saturday  That Allie Girl 2pm Jason Saitta 6pm Blake Tyler 9:30 pm
Sunday Jason Saitta 3pm
Thursday   Wastin Neon 6pm
Friday Lucas Guy 3pm Wastin Neon 7pm
Saturday Bob Gatewood 3pm
Friday       Frank Harrison Jr. 8pm
Saturday  Dustin Kines 2pm Frank Harrison Jr. 8pm
Sunday  Dustin Kines 2pm
Friday       West Side Steve 2pm and 6 pm
Saturday   West Side Steve 2pm and 6 pm
Sunday   West Side Steve 2pm and 6 pm
We do also have a piano sing along bar that is open from 9-12 on Fridays and Saturdays next to the fire truck. It is always a great crowd so stop by and sing along.