October 2022 Gazette: M/V Mary Ann Market Christened

M/V Mary Ann Market Christened

On Sunday, Sept. 25th, the deck of Miller Boat Line’s new ferry, the M/V Mary Ann Market was christened. On hand were islanders, plus family and friends of the Market family.

The event started with refreshments and eats at the Put-in-Bay Yacht Club at 1 p.m. and lasted for about an hour before those in attendance were directed to the new boat for the 2 p.m. ceremony.

The christening started off with a welcome by Caitlin Bolyard, Mary Ann’s granddaughter. Allie Market’s singing of “America the Beautiful” was followed by remarks from Julene Market, Billy Market, Larry Fletcher, the Executive Director of Shores & Islands Ohio, Scott Market, Jake Market and David Bianchi. Alex Bevan played and sang a song, “Mary Ann Market’s Headed Home,” especially created for the occasion, Mother Mary Staley gave the blessing before Mary Ann’s granddaughter Gwena cracked a bottle of Champagne on the portside railing above the ferry’s name.

At the end of the christening, staff from Perry’s Monument dressed in their 1812 uniforms shot off one of the carronades, plus the historic Ford Trimotor from Port Clinton and a restored WWII fighter bombers flew overhead. Tours of the boat, including the pilothouse and engine room, were a hit for many before returning to the yacht club for refreshments, an assortment of chocolatey desserts, a cake and more socializing.

Putinbay.com is proud to present this Put-in-Bay Gazette article from the October 2022 issue.

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