Put-in-Bay Island Diary August 2022

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Island Diary August 2022

Mon., Aug. 1st – Vacation Bible Camp starts at the PIB Town Hall. Rachel Young reads “Senorita Mariposa” and does an activity with the kids on the Nature & Wildlife Center back porch as part of a story hour program.

Tue., Aug. 2nd – There’s a PIB Police Commission meeting at Town Hall at 6 p.m. to continue addressing South Bass Island safety concerns. The discussion focuses on the contractual arrangements for police service between Put-in-Bay Village and Put-in-Bay Township. Township Trustee Chris Cooper and PIB Vol. Fire Chief Greg Dobos point out the unsatisfactory police presence on Middle Bass Island. According to Chief of Police Kimble, a Put-in-Bay officer has only been on Middle Bass Island four times this summer season–compared to six times last season.

Wed., Aug. 3rd – It’s a humid 87 degree day. It’s so hot that kids in the downtown park are running through the village sprinklers in late afternoon.

Thu., Aug. 4th – The 20th Annual Island Auction, the Lake Erie Islands Historical Society & Museum’s annual fundraiser is a big success and raises more than $50,000. A big thank you goes to LEIHS Director Dan Savage and Vice President Kendra Koehler and their band of hardworking volunteers and board members who work this great event. Plus a big thanks goes out to all those who purchased the great island history memorabilia and to those who island business who donated to the cause. Founded in 1975, the mission of the Historical Society is to preserve and educate the local community and island visitors about the islands’ rich history. The museum includes four buildings of over 6,000 square feet. Also on the grounds is a Research Library and the History Archives. The society hosts programs, seasonal events, tours and lectures throughout the year.

Fri., Aug. 5th – Jake Market is busy testing horn sounds on the new Miller ferry, the M/V Mary Ann Market. An almost-100-year-old Ford Trimotor flies overhead giving rides from the Put-in-Bay Airport. The Put-in-Bay Township Park District holds a meeting at the PIB Town Hall to discuss the history of the Park District, plans for the future including the possibility of purchasing the Duff Vineyard, and the 1.1 Mill Property Tax Levy scheduled for a vote this coming November. The Go-Fast boats begin to arrive at the DeRivera Park Dock to take part in the 2022 THUNDERFEST, an event sponsored by the Lake Erie Offshore Performance Association (LEOPA), a group of offshore enthusiasts in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan who share a common passion for fast boats. Looking south from the Lime Kiln, there’s a 30-minute downpour over Catawba, but nary a drop of rain on PIB.

Sat., Aug. 6th – In the morning, there’s another PIB Twp. Park District public meeting at the MBI Town for the residents of Middle Bass. The Poker Kayak Day takes place at Middle Bass Island in the afternoon. There’s a celebration of life for Roger Reich at his home on the north shore of East Point. with Debbie and Roger’s family and friends. The Bavarian Sports Club in Toledo takes part in the German fest at the Middle Bass Yacht Club. The I-LYA Ladies Reception is what’s happening at the Put-in-Bay Yacht Club in the late afternoon. It’s not exactly a tea party according to one lady who attended. Jim Coviello and Keith Kearney swim around the top half of Put-in-Bay to raise funds for the Cleveland OROC, cause that fights ovarian cancer.

Sun., Aug. 7th – We hear a member of the Put-in-Bay High School Class of 1999 was seen jumping off one of the 25-ft.-high rocks on Green Island into the water with his kids. The Morrison Woods Preserve, the newest PIB Twp. Park District preserve, officially opens with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Members of the Ed and Mary Morrison family are on hand to celebrate this island legacy. A reception follows at the Nature Center’s back porch. The antique car paraders stop at the Getaway Inn following their Sunday afternoon parade. Billy Market takes his son Liam for a ride on the Ford Trimotor. The Kelleys Island team beats the Boardwalk in the first best-of-three game series for the islands’ softball league championship.

Mon., Aug. 8th – The somewhat rainy weather postpones the second softball game between Kelleys Island and the Boardwalk. It also halts the Stargazing Cruise on one of the Miller Boat Line ferries. The event is moved to the covered pavilion a the Crew’s Nest.

Tues., Aug. 9th – Paul J. Riddle, PIBHS Class of 1991, celebrates his 50th birthday. Cameo Pizza takes a break for the day to reward its hard working staff. At the Erie Islands Library you can sail away on a sailboat you design from “pool noodles” with Captain Kim Pugh!

Wed., Aug. 10th – The Round House, Chicken Patio and Red Moon Staff enjoy a day off to just “clown” around the island. They’re dressed in clown outfits, ride the tour train, have their photo taken at the Put-in-Bay sign at the State park and just have a fun day off. The Nature Center’s fundraiser hog roast at the Goat’s Biergarten is sold out. The Kelleys Island team wins the 2022 Lake Erie Island’s Softball League championship defeating the Boardwalk 15-11! It’s Karaoke night at The Fishbowl.

Thu., Aug. 11th – It’s Lake Erie Awareness Day and there are several education stations around the island where hundreds of people learn about Ohio’s greatest water resource, island history, native plants and animals, the dangers of plastic pollution and boating safety. Thanks to all the volunteers who manned the stations. The M/V Mary Ann Market makes its first official trip from the Lime Kiln to the mainland. Richard and Loretta Lupica-Clair from the West Shore are on the M/V Mary Ann Market on the return trip to Put-in-Bay from Catawba. Rapper Vanilla Ice and Tone Loc are performing to a great crowd at the Boathouse. The Erie Islands Library staff hosts the Ida Rupp Library Board during an outing to the island. They meet in the Undercroft at St. Paul’s and also have a group photo taken at the Put-in-Bay sign at the State Park.

Fri., Aug. 12th – Former island resident Lydia Sullivan, her daughter Kim and grandkids are on island for a visit. Lydia and her late husband Frank were responsible for putting the shiphouse on the West Shore. The M/V Mary Ann Market has its first day of multiple trips between the mainland and the island. The Lake Erie Islands Historical Society & Museum Island Art Auction takes place at the Crew’s Nest during happy hour. Artwork created by area artists incorporates architectural elements from the former Chan Stevens property (Hunker House), the former Bob Schmidt house and the historic E&K Winery. The event raises $10,000 for the operation of the island museum. The Barbershop Quartet Show takes place at Mother of Sorrows in the evening. Press House Joe Suttmann joins Ray Fogg on stage at the Reel Bar. For the few out there who don’t know him, Joe started Joe’s Bar out by the State Park, and he now lives and works in Salzburg, Austria. Griffing Flying Service has a busy day flying from Port Clinton to Pelee Island.

Sat., Aug. 13th – The Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church ball diamond and McCann’s Field are filled with nets and players taking part in their Battle of Put-in-Bay Volleyball Tournament. The PIB Class of 2023 has a concession stand selling hotdogs, beverages and snacks there. The PIB Yacht Club has a golf outing at Saunder’s Golf Course. You do not have to be a golfer to play! There are drinks before, during and after. Bloody Marys, Mimosas and beer are provided at designated holes throughout the course. Afterwards at RC Connie Miller’s cottage there are drinks, hamburgers and hotdogs. In DeRivera Park across from the Boathouse, Brandon Copeland, he owner of Put-in-Bay’s Muscle Bay Fitness, smashes a world record bench pressing 225 pounds of weight 73 times. The Barbershoppers are celebrating their 75th year entertaining on Middle Bass. The Island Grind at Lonz Winery holds its first-ever BBQ party. Justine Cultice spots a Mayfly.

Sun., Aug. 14th – Members of the Put-in-Bay Runners Club take advantage of the cool temperature to take a 3-mile run around the island. Compared to recent Sundays, the island is relatively quiet.

Mon., Aug. 15th – It’s Austria Day at Das Lokal, the Biergarten at the Goat. Press House Joe Suttmann is there with his lady friend Ute Wiesmeyer who is a principal at a school in Steyer, Austria. A big truck arrives on the island to load the stuff up from Christie Ontko’s shop Your Only Earth Holistic Shoppe on Airport Rd. Christie sold her place and is off to the mainland where she’ll be creating in my new lab and making concoctions. Allen Duff, Mark Nemec, Mark Lekanka and Lisa Brohl are laying out the trail at the new Duff Woods Preserve. The former head of maintenance at Perry Monument, Jerry Cantu, was on the island for a visit.

Tue., Aug. 16th – The PIB High School Cross Country Team up early running laps around the ball diamond. The School Board meets with new superintendent Scott Mangas at the table. The last Wild Tuesday program takes place at the Nature Center. The program is about the parasitic invasive critter sea lampreys. The Police Commission Committee takes place at the Town Hall. The Township Trustees are seriously concerned about police coverage for Middle Bass Island during the summer months.

Wed., Aug. 17th – Members of the PIB Garden Club are at the home of Susan and Jim Hildebrandt of the West Shore learning when and how to prune five different types of Hydrangeas. The library’s Words & Wine Book Club meets in the evening in Duff’s Vineyard. Over on Middle Bass the Island Grind is closed for a team appreciation day. There’s a birthday party for Andy Blumensaadt in the evening.

Thu., Aug. 18th – Friends and family gather at the Gazebo in DeRivera Park to remember the life of longtime island businessman and DeRivera Park Trustee Don Thwaite. Afterwards friends gathered at the Boathouse for a reception. There are already a few boats at the public docks who arrive early to guarantee them a spot for the Bash on the Bay 5 which starts in six days. St. Paul’s holds a “Leadership Dinner” where many vestry members and other St. Paul’s supporters gather to share a meal.

Fri., Aug. 19th – The Brig Niagara is at the Jet dock. Sally Duffy takes a group of island women, Susan Byrnes, Pauline Garsteck, Jody Frimel, Doraine Toms, out in her boat to see white pelicans on Big Chicken Island. Diane Nemec from Mitchell Rd. and Barb Hunter from Fox’s Den take the Jet Express to Kelleys Island where the visit their friend from Cleveland, former police officer at Parma Heights Keith Mattison. Press House Joe Suttmann, who has been on the island this past week, takes one last opportunity to appear on stage with his buddy Ray Fogg at the Reel Bar.

Sat., Aug. 20th – It’s another busy Saturday at the Bay. There’s a board meeting at 9 a.m. at the Yacht Club. The PIB Property Owners Association meets at 10 a.m. at the Senior Center. Among the speakers’ topics were the progress on the Monument seawall project (Monument Superintendent Barbara Rowles, the upcoming sports car races (Rich Hahn), the upcoming real estate tax levy for police services in the township portions of the islands (police levy committee members Joey Wolf, Greg Dobos and Paula Ziebarth), and Lifeflight insurance (EMS Director Darrell Long). As part of Commodore Perry’s Birthday Celebration, US Brig Niagara and the Pride of Baltimore II are in port offering deck tours in the afternoon. Tours of the Pride of Baltimore II are free. If you find all this kind of dull, you can go to Island Hardware and get all your cutting items sharpened by Kevin Noon. In the evening the Perry Group hosts a reception aboard the tall ship U.S. Brig Niagara. Roger and Joan Rhoad from Lakeview Allotment celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. A much needed rain pelts the island around dinner time.

Sun., Aug. 21st – There’s a pretty good storm squall in the morning with one huge lightning strike and thunder clap that wakes everyone, even those who aren’t sleeping.

Mon., Aug. 22nd – It’s the time of year that there’s a small reduction in late trips on the Miller Ferry schedule. Just before lunch time, the PIB EMS answers a call at the intersection of Bayview and Catawba where a lady is hit by a golf cart. A new Schwan’s frozen food truck driver makes his first trip to PIB to deliver his route. Joe Byrnes, PIBHS Class of 2020, celebrates his 21st birthday.

Tue., Aug. 23rd – On this date 90 years ago (1932), the “Hotel Commodore,” formerly the “Beebe House Hotel” was destroyed by a massive blaze. The hotel was located on the lot directly across the street from the Keys and the Dairy Isle. At the PIB Airport there’s a bevy of activity setting up the venue for the Bash at the Bay 5. One woman who lives by the airport reports her house shook during the sound check that was conducted about dinner time.

Wed., Aug. 24th – The Bash on the Bay 5 headliner is country music star Brad Paisley. Miller Boat Line runs a special trip between Middle Bass and South Bass for those attending Bash at the Bay. Kelleys Island Ferry Co. does the same for bashers coming from its island to PIB. There’s a colossal buffet at the Crew’s Nest. At the Boardwalk’s main deck, diners are enjoying the Tarpon Springs Shrimp special. At Hazard’s on Middle Bass there’s an 80’s party.

Thu., Aug. 25th – Morning on the Bay starts with emergency forces’ sirens. The Zac Brown Band, a southern rock group, closes out the Bash on the Bay 5 at the Airport in style on Thursday night. There’s a birthday party for Caroline Jackson at the Jackson’s 150+ year-old stone presshouse near the airport.

Fri., Aug. 26th – If you drive by the airport, you’d hardly believe several thousand country western fans were there the two prior enjoying a huge concert. By lunch time there’s an hour and a half wait to get your car off the island. There’s a teacher work day at PIB School.

Sat., Aug. 27th – The Crew’s Nest staff is getting the pavilion set up for the wedding reception for Adam Bianchi and Elise Wallis. There is a new book to read on the Put-in-Bay Storywalk at the Dodge Woods Preserve. Thanks to Karen and Mark Wilhelm for installation and to Bob and Dianne Smith for sponsoring the book!

Sun., Aug. 28th – Laura Fogg runs 17 miles around the island as part of her marathon training. Mother Mary has her last service at St. Paul’s Episcopal before she leaves the island, There is an open house in the afternoon at the church to cheer her on to her next journey. The post Antique Car Parade gathering at Perry’s Cave is dedicated to Don Thwaite. There are 545 people who tour the Benson Ford shiphouse on the West Shore in the afternoon. Proceeds go to community causes at Put-in-Bay. There’s an end of summer pool party at the home of Jon Scarpelli and Kristin Stanford for the young island kids who are starting school on Tuesday.

Mon., Aug. 29th – There’s a little rain in the morning. At Put-in-Bay School, the teachers are having an in-service day. A squall goes through the islands at dinner time. Bob Bahney records a 50 mph wind gust!

Tue., Aug. 30th – The island kids begin the 2022-2023 school year at 8 a.m. By 8:30 a.m. there are already pics on Facebook of some of the kids. Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Labe are hosting the 2022 Lake Erie Workshop for Science and Outdoor Writers to help them learn about Lake Erie science and opportunities. They walk away with a year’s worth of story ideas and a better understanding of Lake Erie’s importance to the region.

Wed., Aug. 31st – Former PIB resident Sandi Glauser celebrates her 70th birthday. Happy Birthday, Sandi! Paul Jeris is at the Monument helping to install a webcam on top. This is the last night for the weekly Wednesday Euchre Tournament at the PIBYC.


Putinbay.com is proud to present the Put-in-Bay Gazette’s Island Diary for August, in the September 2022 issue of the Gazette.

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