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Island Diary June 2021
Tue., June 1st
Larry Knaser and Nick Nicholas begin work on the patio for new outdoor seating at Tipper’s. A great time was held at the Reel Bar’s sold-out Fine Wine Tasting event! Special Guest Chef Terry Galvin led the Reel Bar’s kitchen staff in preparing outstanding small plate pairings for six South American wines.
Wed., June 2nd
Construction continues on Stone Laboratory’s mesocosm facility, located next to the AVC. Once completed, the setup will allow researchers to study Lake Erie water quality in a controlled environment.
Thu., June 3rd
Julene Market enjoys a birthday lunch at the Boardwalk with some of her longest island friends. The June issue of the Put-in-Bay Gazette is printed in Sandusky.
Fri., June 4th
Sara Booker hosts a Pink Party Fundraiser at her home next to Oak Point State Park. The party is to help raise funds for a Put-in-Bay promotional project. Mayor Jessica Dress swears in two seasonal police officers, Nick Ward and Dave Fenstermaker, and Chief Kimble presents them their new badges. Rudy Cooks and Christie Ontko are at the Goat broadcasting their Internet radio show live. Their guests include Scott Jackson, Pinky Batt, Jeff Koehler, Guy Guidone and Rich Hahn.
Sat., June 5th
There’s a film crew from “World’s Greatest” on the Miller ferries and on the island. Don Gregory, a cinematographer with the film crew, is related to long time island homeowners, the Feicks. “Cousin Jen” Larcey celebrates her 40th birthday with family and friends on a ride on Miranda Krueger’s Tiki Boat and dinner at the Crew’s Nest.
Sun., June 6th
Comparing weather apps in the morning you will find one that predicts Put-in-Bay’s high temperature for the day at 86 degrees and another at 70 degrees. There’s a graduation party for PIBHS 2021 graduates Talii Steidl, Nora Ladd and Elena Schroeder. Pre parade sponsors for the antique car parade are Diane Nemec, Carl and Anna Nemec, Judy Angel Kania and Judy Berry. For the post parade there is a stop at Das Lokal Biergarten sponsored The Goat Soup & Whiskey. The 2021 softball season starts with a game between the Roundhouse and the Boardwalk and then Heineman Winery against the Boardwalk. There’s a sunset party at Kasper’s Benson Ford Ship House on the West Shore.
Mon., June 7th
The Stone Lab water quality buoy is anchored for the season between Peach Point and Gibraltar. At the yacht club, the 420’s are coming out of storage for the season. Dustin Heineman and crew move the old back bar from Tony’s Place to it new home at Stonehenge. There’s a birthday/wig party taking place at the Crew’s Nest employee housing’s Busch House. The Crew’s Nest announces on Social Media that the club’s kitchen will be closed on Tuesdays. Sean William Koltiska is at Bay Lodging Resort Hideaway Bar & Pool hosting a “Service Industry Night” complete with drink discounts.
Tue., June 8th
There’s a three hour and fifty minute-long Village Council meeting. There’s rain in afternoon, but that doesn’t stop Piper Koehler from celebrating her 9th birthday with classmates and others at the State Park Pavilion. Included in the fun are corn dogs, tie dying shirts, plus a dip in the lake at the nearby beach. The barge Crow with its big crane spends the night inside Put-in-Bay Harbor after placing huge stones along a section of the West Shore.
Wed., June 9th
There’s a 65th birthday celebration for Miller Boat captain Bob Stausmire from Middle Bass. He’s surprised with a toilet paper cake at Miller Boat Line’s crew lounge. There’s another Heineman flavor coming out of the vault! At Heineman Winery they’re bottling Claret which they haven’t bottled for 15 years or more. The winery’s Claret is a delicious dry red blend of Isle Saint George (North Bass Island) and South Bass Island grapes. About 30 women attend the PIB Garden Club meeting on the side patio at the Yacht Club. Jody Frimel has a presentation about planting an herb garden in a container. A crew from Barnes Nursery on the mainland is working on the fountain in DeRivera Park.
Thu., June 10th
A few mayflies are spotted at Stone Lab. There’s a wedding reception for Bill and Joey Burger at the Reel Bar after they were married on the waterfront of the Sneller home on the east shore. On social media there’s a photo of some Kelleys Island police officers playing four square with some youngsters at the KI State Park. The post reads, “Kelleys Island PD always doing our best to interact with the public.” “Listen to Larry” Schrader is the “Guest Grillmaster” at the PIBYC cooking hamburgers and cheeseburgers.
Fri., June 11th
Benjamin Bolyard, son of Caitlin and Austin was baptized at St. Paul’s surrounded by a large number of family and friends. The DeRivera Park Dock is closed to public so it can accommodate the sailboats participating in the Mills Trophy Race from Toledo to the islands. Wendy Chambers and Tina Rogers from the Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce head to Kelleys Island to check out all the attractions on there. We’d like to call it a spy mission, but it was really an outing to familiarize themselves with what the other Lake Erie Islands offer visitors. Scott Jackson spends time with family and friends celebrating his birthday.
Sat., June 12th
The Ohio State Buckeye’s most recognized fan, Big Nut, rides one of the Miller ferries and visits the Middle Bass Island Yacht Club. The club is having an open house and membership drive. The Pooch Parade takes place in the morning in DeRivera Park. As usual, cats are not invited to take part in this event. The vendor turnout for Founder’s Day in DeRivera Park is not the greatest, but on a bright side, a group from St. Paul’s is there serving its deliciously famous “Strawberry Shore-cake.” Jasmine Harmon and Tyler McNally, son of Jeff McNally of Airline Drive, were married on St. Paul’s Labyrinth. At the yacht club, there’s a Mills Trophy Race Party for those who are participating in the 98th sailboat race from Toledo. At the Erie Islands Library there’s a sidewalk book sale. Phil Yan Polka Band is at Das Lokal, the biergarten at the Goat.
Sun., June 13th
Before heading back to their homeports, the Mills Trophy Race sailors enjoy breakfast at PIBYC. Dick and Betty Bliss from Fox’s Den sponsor the pre-parade event for the Sunday Antique Car Parade. Later in the day, the Auxiliary’s PIB Community Swim Sail Welcome Back Ice Cream Social takes place. The post parade sponsor is The Goat Soup & Whiskey. Sue and Don Thwaite have a going away party for Cathy VanLiere at their home on the South Shore. At the Red Moon at the Park Hotel, there’s a very special treat – Elvis Presley Cake … banana cake with peanut butter icing, chocolate ganache and shaved chocolate.
Mon., June 14th
Put-in-Bay Community Swim and Sail classes begin. The monthly meeting of the Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce is held live in the pavilion at the Island Club and also by Zoom. At Maple Leaf Cemetery, Julie Parson is laid to rest. A large double rainbow is seen from many parts of the island including from the ball diamond where there is a Men’s League Softball Game going on. Ray Fogg emcees the 12th Annual Drag Night at the Round House. The event is sponsored by Three Olives Vodka.
Tue., June 15th
The Fox Stone crew is at Margarita’s On The Rock and stamping the concrete patio which will enlarge the outside seating area at the popular tiki bar.. The PIBYC Auxiliary welcomes summer with their “Around the Town Luncheon.” The event includes a walking tour of the Reel Bar, Mossbacks and Hooligans. For the participants there’s a raffle and a nautical goodie bag. At the Nature and Wildlife Center, there is a “Wild Tuesday” program about bats. On Middle Bass, hula hoop/dream catchers are being made at the Town Hall.
Wed., June 16th
Lobstermania begins at the Boardwalk. You have to get there early before they run out of lobster. Several ladies share their books at the Words & Wine Book Club event at a beautiful setting in Sue and Walt Duff’s vineyards.
Thu., June 17th
The American Legion elects officers for the next year: Commander Ed Hubner, Vice-Commander Bernie Meyers, Finance Officer Dave Warga, Adjutant Tom Cooper, Sergeant at Arms Dave Frederick,Service Officer Bill Slough and Chaplain Mo Mary Staley. There’s a cocktail opening party at the Lake Erie Islands Historical Society’s Museum. The Reel Bar’s annual Lake Erie Idol kicks off for the season with Duff Spatafore and Marc Wright doing the judging. St. Paul’s Discretionary Fund benefits from the night’s fun.
Fri., June 18th
Lance Saunders is cooking authentic Jamaican chicken at the Nut Shack at the State Park. The Lyman Boat Owners Association is holding its Put-in-Bay Regatta at Miller’s Marina. The Put-in-Bay Community Swim/Sail Fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner is well attended at the yacht club. There’s an early 60th birthday party for Billy Market. There’s plenty of sushi and sake and even a beautiful cake made by Michala Wertenbach that looked like a giant piece of sushi. Rudy Cooks and Christie Ontko are broadcasting their WPIB.com radio show live from Perry’s Cave Family Fun Center. One of their topics is the Great Lakes Islands Alliance Summit taking place on the Lake Erie Islands from October 3rd through 6th.
Sat., June 19th
PIB’s sailors in the PIB Community Sail Program are at North Cape Yacht Club in Michigan racing in the ILYA Travelers Series Event #3. You can fish today without a license at Put-in-Bay (and everywhere else in Ohio). The PIB Property Owners Association meets at the Perry’s Cave Pavilion. Guest speakers are Mayor Jessica Dress, PIB Twp. Trustee Chris Cooper, Patrick Rogers from the EMS, and Police Chief Jim Kimble. Three Highway Patrol cars along with a few extra sheriff deputies are on the island to help out the Put-in-Bay Police with the large number of people on the island. Graveside services for Paul Aquilla take place at the Middle Bass Cemetery.
Sun., June 20th
It’s Billy Market’s 60th birthday. Members of the Put-in-Bay Runners Club are out for a run in the morning. Thirty-nine cars show up at the Twine Shanty for the Sunday antique car parade. Marcia and Allen Ashley are the pre parade sponsors and the Reel Bar is the post parade sponsor. There’s a good crowd of visitors who are enjoying Father’s Day on the island. There’s a going away party for Cathy VanLiere with island friends and neighbors at the Black Squirrel.
Mon., June 21st
The young kids in the sailing program find it a bit windy when they head out in the morning. If you’re a small-craft boater, you probably won’t want to be bobbing around out on the lake as the National Weather Service has issued a small craft advisory. For northwest winds 15 to 25 knots and waves 3 to 6 feet. Middle Bass Island’s Nature Camp begins a week of great nature-related activities.
Tue., June 22nd
It’s day two of the Middle Bass Nature Camp. The kids are busy catching a large carp, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, a variety of sunfish and a large catfish. In the morning there is a Covid vaccination clinic at the PIB Vol. Fire Dept. Station. The Ottawa County Health Department administers second dose vaccinations and walk-in J&J one and done vaccinations. The PIBYC Auxiliary has it’s Anchors Away luncheon at the club complete with a special sailor’s drink and yummy dessert. Renee Market is at the Nature and Wildlife Center for a Wild Tuesdays presentation about amphibians. Ben and Marilyn Bahney Paselsky celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Kris Hodgson, Mike Mccombs and Paul Jeris are at Bryan Kasper’s Ship House on the West Shore and the Put-in-Bay Condos installing two new island webcams. Other new webcams are coming to the Boardwalk and on the street at Mr. Ed’s. You can check out these webcams at https://putinbay.com/put-in-bay-webcams.
Wed., June 23rd
Put-in-Bay Seniors, 60+, are invited to Doug and Barb Mehlings for a free boxed lunch celebration for the re-opening of the Put-in-Bay Senior Center. The event includes a farewell to Put-in-Bay site manager Chris Joyce. Almost 100 people attended Deb Harlan’s funeral at North Bass Island. The Miller Ferry makes a special run to the island, plus the tour train is on hand for transportation from the dock to the cemetery. Ed Tancock (PIBHS Class of 1950) is on the island in the middle of a few-day visit with former schoolmates who enjoy reminiscing about growing up on the island during the 1930s and 40s. The Middle Bass Island Dockers have their home opener against the Round House softball team. The Kelleys Island team travels to PIB for two games. The 209-ft. superyacht “Scout” is anchored in the channel between Gibraltar and Middle Bass.
Thurs., June 24th
After leaving Put-in-Bay, the superyacht “Scout” is spotted going up the Detroit River heading to the Detroit Yacht Club.
Fri., June 25th
Pyrate Fest begins with the Ultimate Malibu bar crawl with Mermaid
Tami in front of the Park Hotel greeting those who visit six participating downtown establishments. We learned one sure thing – all those booming Pyrate Fest cannons seem to work well in the rain. Despite the rain, ferry travel is brisk both leaving and coming to the island. The Reese Dailey Band is playing at the Boathouse. Former Buckeye Coach Urban Meyer is spotted at Mossbacks. Rudy & the Island Girl are broadcasting their WPIB.com radio show live from wine garden at Heineman Winery. Press House Joe Suttmann, on a visit from Austria to PIB, takes the stage with Ray Fogg at his show at the Reel Bar.
Sat., June 26th
The power goes out for a bit in the morning for those on East Point and Middle Bass Island. Pyrate Fest is in full swing. There are lots of family things going on that the kids really love. A new event, the Mayfly Fest, takes place at the Put-in-Bay Yacht Club. Alex Bevan is on hand to entertain, plus there are food and drink specials to celebrate the summer bugs we love to hate! Featured dish is “Mayfly Stew,” the late Ed Skoch’s famous onion soup. The Reel Bar is hosting its Annual Buccaneers Bash with the now famous Best Buccaneers and Wicked Wench contest!
Sun., June 27th
It’s a perfect-weather day at the bay until rain arrives and cleans off the antique cars during their parade downtown. Antique car parade sponsors are Dale Mason and the Put-in-Bay Yacht Club. St. Paul’s holds its outdoor “Golf Cart church” for the last time until it gets cooler in the fall. The Pyrate Fest is still going strong in DeRivera Park until the rain begins to fall shortly after 2 p.m.
Mon., June 28th
In the morning, a golf cart that had to be driven around the big concrete blocks at the end of East Point is found half submerged in the lake some yards down the beach. As part of the Erie Islands Story Time series, librarian Karen Wilhelm reads the fairy tale classic “Three Little Pigs” on the steps of Perry’s International Peace Memorial.
Tue., June 29th
It’s a hot day at the Bay. In the morning, some of the Garden Club members take a tour of the six gardens in the Village and DeRivera Park. The Yacht Club Auxiliary holds its Moosemilk Pajama Party luncheon. David Dress from East Point celebrates his birthday. Paula Ziebarth’s topic at the Nature Center’s Wild Tuesday presentation is birds.
Wed., June 30th
The Sonny-S Boat Line announces “Until further notice the Sonny-S will be out of service for repairs and apologizes for any inconvenience it may cause. In the meantime, Marty Harayda’s True Grit begins filling in with runs between PIB and MBI. The PIB Chamber of Commerce members are informed that Events Coordinator Tina Rogers will be leaving the Chamber after four years of employment.
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