Ohio State Stone Laboratory is Ohio State University’s island campus on Lake Erie. They host 25+ college-credit courses as well as workshops every summer. Located right on the banks of Lake Erie students and also professionals are all welcome to enroll in classes.
Ohio State Stone Laboratory Details
They offer everything from introductory courses to workshops open to working professionals and job seekers. Those interested can apply online. They also offer scholarships for both high school and college students. College-level students can also apply to be lab assistants in exchange for free room and board.
The lab is funded by the Ohio Sea Grant. For over 30 years, this vital grant has worked to protect the environment of the Great Lakes and specifically Lake Erie. Stone Laboratory and the Ohio Sea Grants Strategic Plan is based on four focus areas:
• Healthy Coastal Ecosystems
• Resilient Communities and Economies,
• Sustainable Fisheries
• Aquaculture
• Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development.
These four tenets address both local and national priorities.
A healthy environment is imperative to economic growth of this region. Thanks to the inroads made in the health of Lake Erie, tourism has increased. Fishing and boating is one the most important and enjoyable things about visiting Put-in-Bay. Healthy water makes for happy folks!
Introductory Course Offerings
• Field-Based Oceanography
• Ecology and Conservation of Birds
• Lake Erie Sportfishing
• Introduction to Biological Studies – Local Plants
High school students need to have completed their sophomore year in order to qualify for these courses. Completion of one course of biology or environment science prior to the course start date is required.
Upper Level Course Offerings
• Evolution
• Field Herpetology
• Water Quality Management
• Field Zoology
• Spider Biology
Make sure to double check to see if you are qualified to take these courses. They require at least 12 semester-credit hours.
Workshop Offerings
• Lake Erie Sportfishing Workshop
• Fish Aging Workshop
• Workshop in Environmental Education: Water and Wildlife Training for Educators
• Algae Identification Workshop
These are offered as non-credit workshop for those wishing to expand their base of knowledge. There are also professional development courses for educators.
The research conducted at Stone Labs is what helps keep this region safe and clean. The efforts of the research labs here have also vastly improved the health of Lake Erie. A scholarship program also offers students experience in in-the-field research with top scientists. It is highly competitive and also includes room, meals, and in-state tuition.
The Ohio State Stone Laboratory is located close to the Aquatic Visitor Center, Oak Point State Park, and also Kayak the Bay. This part of Put-in-Bay offers visitors a range of activities to enjoy aimed at environmental interests. Gibraltar Island can also be seen off the shore.
The Aquatics Visitor Center also includes great workshops for kids too young to attend Ohio State Stone Laboratory. Visit their website to learn about their offerings. Kayak the Bay is a delightful way to really soak in the beauty of this island. The more we know about our environment, the better we can keep it safe for future generations.