Put-in-Bay COVID-19 Vaccinations Begin
This week’s big news out of Put-in-Bay is on a topic that’s big news all around the world. The first Put-in-Bay COVID-19 vaccinations have begun to roll out on the island. This past Tuesday saw the first island residents receiving vaccines. They were, of course, Put-in-Bay’s first responders. Members of the Fire Department, Police Department, EMS and a handful of teachers received their vaccines.
Updates From Fire Department and EMS
Kelly Mohn, of Put-in-Bay EMS, told us that the vaccinations occurred on Tuesday for the EMS. They were given at the Fire Department for all of the first responders. A few members of the EMS elected not to receive the vaccine. Those doses were distributed to teachers at the Put-in-Bay School.
We also talked to Patrick Rogers of the Fire Department, who said that the second round of vaccines would be received in a three day window on or around February 2. We were surprised to learn that the window does in fact need to be that tight. Patrick also told us that the state was working with the island and is being very helpful in regards to the unique challenges that vaccine distribution presents to an unusual place like Put-in-Bay.
Additional Vaccine Recipients
In addition to the Fire Dept., Police Dept., EMS and select teachers at Put-in-Bay School, a few essential Miller Ferry personnel received the vaccine. This may seem unusual. However for Put-in-Bay in the winter, these are genuinely essential personnel, as they are the face-to-face point of contact for all of the freight that needs to come to the island in the winter. News on the general public on the island and their vaccination schedule is expected fairly soon, according to Rogers.
Stay tuned to putinbay.com for all the important Put-in-Bay COVID-19 updates, including upcoming information about when island residents may expect to receive the vaccine.