Put-in-Bay Historical Weekend was Again a Success!

2015 Put-in-Bay Historical Weekend was Again a Success!

This past weekend featured some of the best weather of the summer with warm sunny days and cool comfortable evenings. Historical buffs and revelers alike descended upon the island and partook of the many different historical celebrations throughout the three-day event. Some of the more memorable events:

9/11 Sunset Tribute on Friday night at Perry’s Victory & International Peace Monument.

Perry’s Victory Heritage Festival on Perry’s Monument lawn. The 202nd Anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie took place this weekend. Art, history, and an 1812 military encampment plus about 1,200 Boy Scouts camped on the memorial east lawn. The annual Grande Parade was held at 2:15 p.m. on Saturday and had a record crowd.

Arts In The Park on Saturday at DeRivera Park. Area and regional arts and crafts people displayed and sold their original works in downtown in an open-air exhibit. Live demonstrations and a silent auction that benefited the Put-in-Bay Arts Council took place. Thanks to all the great artists and visitors who participated!

Stone Lab 2015 Open House on Saturday afternoon on Gilbraltar Island. Free transportation from the Stone Labe Research Building on South Bass Island (Put-in-Bay) over to Gilbraltar Island ran all day long. Tours of the Stone Lab, the island, and laboratory sessions were very interesting. Tours of the South Bass Island Lighthouse (also run by OSU) on the other end of the island were sold out!

Lights of Peace Harbor Illumination around the bay at sunset on Saturday. Harbor Illumination celebrated 202 years of peace with Canada and Great Britain. This was an event that captured the imagination and memories of islanders and visitors, connecting us to our history. From the Monument property to Stone Lab and along the shores of Gibraltar, flares were deployed every 15 feet in a beautiful display of history and peace.

Check out other island events remaining for the year on our Events Calendar.