Upcoming Put-in-Bay Events in May and June 2021

There is always something entertaining at Put-In-Bay during the summer. Here is a list of some fun family-friendly Put-in-Bay Events in May and June. Plan your island getaway today, bring the kids, and have a great relaxed week on the Bay!

Island Wide Garage Sale

Island wide garage sale sign

When: May 15th @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Where: 148 Delaware Ave, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456

Info: Islanders and island business owners are cleaning out what they no longer need and offering to shoppers for a bargain. This annual island-wide garage sale has become an exciting attraction! To have your address on the free map, contact the Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce at 419-285-2832, no later than Tuesday, May 17th. The map will be sent to print on May 19th and available on Friday afternoon, May 20th at the following locations: The Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce, the Depot, Miller Boat Line, and the Jet Express, and several island restaurants that serve breakfast. We don’t set the hours for the garage sale, but look for most sellers to start around 10 and wrap up by 5 pm or earlier.

Victoria Day Weekend

When: May 14th @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Where: Perry’s Victory & International Peace Memorial, Put-in-Bay, 43456

Info: Perry’s Victory & International Peace Memorial, commemorating two centuries of peace between the United States, Canada, and Great Britain, opens for the season today. The memorial and the visitor center are open from 10 am to 6 pm daily through October. Downtown Retail Merchants and island homeowners join together for one big Island Wide Garage Sale on Saturday. Map with locations for garage sales will be distributed the day of the event. Don’t miss the big bargains at the Heritage Resale Shop at the Historical Museum.

PIB Garden Club Lamppost Flower Planting May 24th &25th

People planting in lamppost

When: May 24 @ 9:00 am – May 25 @ 9:00 am

Where: DeRivera Park, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456

Info: The Put-in-Bay Garden Club needs your help for the annual planting and hanging of the Lamppost Flower baskets. The garden club will be doing this on both May 24th and 25th starting at 9 am. They will meet in DeRivera Park across from the Round House.

Memorial Day Weekend

Perry's monument

When: May 27 @ 8:00 am – May 30 @ 5:00 pm

Where: 148 Delaware Ave, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456

Info: Perry’s Victory & International Peace Memorial will salute American veterans during the annual “Salute to the Troops” on the memorial grounds on Monday, May 30th. On Sunday and Memorial Day the antique cars will parade through downtown Put-in-Bay, around DeRivera Park at 2:15 pm.

11th Annual Pooch Parade

Pooch Parade

When: June 11 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Where: DeRivera Park, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456

Info: The 11th Annual Island Pooch Parade will be held Saturday, June 11 in DeRivera Park. Dogs of all kinds and sizes are encouraged to bring their owners and participate. Registration for this amusing fun event will open in the Park Gazebo at 10 AM., followed by the children-led traditional doggie stroll around the Park at 10:30. Judging will immediately follow the parade. The $10 entry fee makes your closest friend eligible to receive a “doggie goodie bag” plus becoming qualified to compete for prizes in one or more of the following groups. The Judges will look for the best pet in these categories: smallest, largest, most talented, individual best dressed, group best dressed, and the dog that looks most like its owner. Diane Nemec and Noreen Hahn are once again Co-chairpersons. They’ll organize the event with the help of doggone good Lenny Brodnik as “emcee”. Lenny does a great job keeping the audience entertained while the judges ponder the pooches. A number of volunteers will assist the chairpersons to assure a smooth, fast-paced affair with no “paws”. This is always an enjoyable and entertaining event for the whole island and particularly the children. Put it on your calendar and we’ll see you June 11th. Bring your dog and win a prize. Registration 10 a.m. in the Gazebo, DeRivera Park. Great fun for all the family, especially kids. Cats are NOT invited.

Founder’s Day

Jose De Rivera Historical Plaque

When: June 12 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Where: DeRivera Park, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456

Info: A community celebration, the anniversary of the founding of Put-in-Bay by Hispanic merchant Jose DeRivera St. Jurgo is June 12th. Sandwiches, hot dogs, strawberry shortcakes, festival vendors, great bargains, live music, and lots of fun in the tent and outside in DeRivera Park downtown, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This year join the American Red Cross is bringing the ERV to promote their smoke detector safety project, Liberty Air Museums “Lake Erie War Birds” trailer (Ford Tri-motor Heritage), and a WWII jeep. Put-in-Bay’s EMTs, and hand out safety information. A variety of kids’ games with prizes for everyone. Put-in-Bay’s Volunteer Fire Department sells brats and hot dogs, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church sells strawberry shortcakes. Find a bargain at the sale tables, pick up a vintage Put-in-Bay souvenir, handcrafted items, tee-shirts, jewelry, and more. Pick up information on activities sponsored by local organizations, including the Lake Erie Islands Historical Society, the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy, Lake Erie Nature and Wildlife Center, the Perry Group (Friends of Perry’s Victory), the Put-in-Bay Swim and Sail, and the Put-in-Bay Garden Club.

Put-in-Bay Maritime Celebration with U.S. Brig Niagara

The Brig Niagara

When: June 19 – June 21

Where: 148 Delaware Ave, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456

Info: See what makes Put-in-Bay such a fun port of call for the entire family as we welcome the US Brig Niagara for the 2nd Annual Put-in-Bay Maritime Celebration. The Niagara’s visit is sponsored by the Put-in-Bay Jet Express, Lake Erie Shores & Islands, and the Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce. This year the Put-in-Bay Maritime Celebration will be held June 17-20 and will encompass the visit of the US Brig Niagara as well as Put-in-Bay’s Pyrate Fest VIII, and educational and public service programs. The Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Maritime event in partnership with the Perry Group, the Lake Erie Islands Historical Museum, and Perry’s Victory & International Peace Memorial. The Niagara is scheduled to arrive on Friday, June 17, weather permitting, and will offer dockside tours on Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm. Tickets can be purchased at Fox’s Dock where Niagara is berthed. Tickets are available for a Day Sail aboard Niagara, from 1 to 5 pm on Monday, June 20. To buy tickets go to the Brown Paper Tickets website. Tickets are $100 per person. This is a hands-on sail experience for ages 12 yrs and up.

Put-in-Bay Pyrate Fest VIII

Pyrate Fest

When: June 25 @ 11:00 am – June 27 @ 5:00 pm

Where: Put-in-Bay, OH 43456

Info: Put-in-Bay’s 8th annual Pyrate Fest sees the return of the Pyrate King for 4 days to find his stolen treasure. Friday of Pyrate Fest opens with “Booms over the Bay.” Saturday fun activities for the entire family, including Kids Costume Contest, and an Adult Costume Contest with the winner headed to the Cayman Islands. The second annual Pyrate Run benefitting Stein Hospice kicks off Sunday’s activities at 9:30 am. The remainder of Sunday is the annual Kids Fest. Monday, four-person teams representing island businesses paddle their vessels around the downtown harbor in the annual Cardboard Boat Regatta. Saturday and Sunday, the Pyrate Village with Pyrate Marketplace, Faire Wynds Circus, historic displays on cooking, medicine, weapons, and navigation will be open 11 am to 5 pm. More than 50 re-enactors in pyrate gear will be downtown for photo ops, discussing tactics, and helping you choose a “pyrate name”. Also, black powder demonstrations by National Park Rangers dressed as 1812 period soldiers, and cannon firings by Cannon Master Bob Gilmor in DeRivera Park. Dress as a pyrate and join the fun. Anyone sailing over aboard one of the Miller Boat Line ferries will receive a $1 discount on their round-trip fare if they dress like a pyrate, or talk like a pyrate when asking for their tickets at the ticket booth. Find us at facebook.com/PyrateFest on Facebook