Windowpane Ice On PIB’s Shores is your resource for all things Put-in-Bay! Check out these quick links or read on:

Our top lodging choices can be found here! Check out the 2023 Put-in-Bay event calendar! What’s there to do at Put-in-Bay? So much you won’t even believe it!

An Amazing Weather Phenomenon Comes To The Bay

The weather this past weekend led to an awesome weather event called windowpane ice. When the weather gets juuuuust cold enough to freeze a thin surface layer of a lake, then a massive wind comes in and throws those sheets of ice into the rocks on the shore, you get windowpane ice! And it is SO COOL!

The Pictures Barry Koehler Took Are Phenomenal!

Our friend Barry Koehler is getting quite a reputation at Put-in-Bay, for capturing the wonder that is winter on South Bass Island, and these pictures are no exception. He’s an incredible photographer working with incredible subject matter, and the results are, well, incredible! But don’t take our word for it: You’ll be hard pressed to get better Put-in-Bay pictures this winter. Big thanks to Barry for sharing them!