Downtown Dave Previews The Week (5/16-5/22) is happy to welcome back Downtown Dave! A short column by Dave Schafer, owner of Ashley’s Island House and friend of the site, Downtown Dave will share this week’s live music schedule at the Bay, as well as his thoughts on what’s what at PIB!

Downtown Dave is going to make you want to come to the Bay this weekend. Here’s where we think you should stay!

More places have been reopening on the island every day. You will also see that some places are starting to have live music on days other than the weekends. Just think next weekend is Memorial Day weekend. The start of the busy busy season. Just a reminder, if you want to tour the Benson Ford Ship House, circle June 9th on your calendar. It is really a cool event and only happens twice a year and all of the proceeds go to the Put in Bay Chamber of Commerce so we can continue to have fun events for everybody.

This Week’s Live Music At The Bay!

Mr. Ed’s
Friday Ty Stevens 5pm Matt Whataguy Band 9:30
Saturday Casper 5pm Matt Whataguy Band 9:30
Sunday Casper 8pm

Round House
Friday Screaming Heathens Duo 2pm Not Fast Enough 8:30
Saturday Bluff Canucks 2pm of course out of Canada Not Fast Enough 8:30
Sunday Bluff Canucks 2pm Tony Salazar 8:30
Wednesday Bob Gatewood 2pm
Thursday Kickin Tenders 8:30

Boat House
Friday and Saturday Lucky Penny Sisters 9pm

Beer Barrel
Friday  Jonnie and Rachel 2pm Tobi Lee 6pm Blake Taylor 9:30 pm
Saturday Jonnie and Rachel 2pm Tobi Lee 6pm Blake Taylor 9:30 pm
Thursday Tobi Lee 7pm

Reel Bar
Friday Bob Gatewood 7:30
Saturday Bob Gatewood 3:00 Ray Fogg 7:30

Mojito Bay
Friday Jeff and Steve 8pm
Saturday Pat Masalko 2pm Jeff and Steve 8pm
Sunday Pat Malsalko 2pm

Fish Bowl
Friday Lucas Guy 3pm Franke and Ranke 7-11
Saturday Franke and Ranke 1-5 DJ Mike D 7-12

Saturday The return of Pat Shepard at 2pm and Jordan and Josh at 8pm

Use These Quick Links To Plan A PIB Trip!

Downtown Dave’s Thought(s) For The Week

My thoughts for the week:

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart.
Anger is one letter short of danger.
If someone betrays once, it’s his fault. If they betray you twice it is your fault.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
He who loses money, loses much. He who loses a friend loses much more. He who loses faith, loses all.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people like me are works of art.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You cannot live long enough to make them all yourself.
Yesterday is history, learn from it but move on and cherish the good memories. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. So close your eyes right now for 5 seconds. Then open them and look around. See all of the good around you. See all that every day has to offer and embrace the day. There is not a better thing to do today than coming up to Put-in-Bay for the day.

Till next week, we will see everybody on Put-in-Bay!