
Holidays are meant to be shared at Put-in-Bay. We celebrate traditional holidays such as Independence Day. We celebrate Canadian holidays such as Victoria Day. And we even celebrate “fake” holidays such as Boaters New Years (in September). Visit us and enjoy all that we have to offer!

Queen Victoria Day at the Bay
Queen Victoria Day Celebrations From May 16th-19th at Put-in-Bay For the past 200 years there has been peace between The United States, Great Britain, and Canada. There is no better way to honor Victoria Day than with a weekend getaway at Put-in-Bay Ohio! Visit Perry’s Monument and join all the other visitors in education activities about the history of this holiday. Once you’ve gained new knowledge, take a shot at the annual Victoria Weekend “Put-in-Bay Downtown Scavenger Hunt”. From 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, on Saturday, the scavenger hunt will...More Information
Memorial Day at the Bay Weekend
All across the country, families look forward to Memorial Day weekend. Put-in-Bay looks forward to this highly anticipated three-day weekend also. In fact, it’s one of the most popular times to visit South Bass Island. During Memorial Day weekend some of Put-in-Bay’s favorite entertainers return.  Here, they are ready to entertain the crowds with multiple shows. You will also find Memorial Day Services honoring our Veterans at Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial Visitor’s Center Plaza. The event will take place near the Memorial column’s rotunda.  Here, this is the...More Information

Holidays are meant to be shared at Put-in-Bay. We celebrate traditional holidays such as Independence Day. We celebrate Canadian holidays such as Victoria Day. And we even celebrate “fake” holidays such as Boaters New Years (in September). Visit us and enjoy all that we have to offer!