Shiphouse Vodka Is Back At Noble Cut, and Ship House Tour Around The Corner

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Everything’s Coming Up Ship House!

These days, the Benson Ford Ship House is front of mind at! Not one, but two big upcoming events revolving around the Ship House are in the offing in the next couple of weeks, and we’re going to tell you all about them! First up is this weekend, when the famous Shiphouse Vodka, with its magnificent bottle modeled after the Ship House, goes back on sale on the island with Noble Cut Distillery opening for the season. And just a couple of weeks from now, on June 9th, the Ship House opens its doors to the public for the first of two tours this season!

Shiphouse Vodka Returns With The Season Opening Of Noble Cut Distillery

Shiphouse Vodka and the Noble Cut Distillery is back and better than ever this season over on Put in Bay. Starting this Friday on May 17th, Shiphouse Vodka will be back for sale at the Noble Cut Distillery 7 days a week. The distillery, located under the Tree Bar, will be open from at 11 AM everyday and close around 7 on weekdays, and around 8 on the weekends. This will be the distilleries second year of operation, where they will be selling Shiphouse Vodka themed shirts, sweatshirts, hats, glassware, and plenty more on top of full bottles of 20+ spirits offered by Noble Cut Distillery, with Shiphouse Vodka as the flagship. 


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There’s So Much On Offer At Noble Cut!

Customers who visited last year will see familiar spirits, such as award winning vodkas, whiskeys, limoncellos, as well as have a chance to purchase exciting new spirits. The following are all new spirits that will be available to sample and purchase at the Shiphouse Vodka x Noble Cut Distillery: 

-Creekside Bourbon: A more classic and unflavored bourbon, contrasting to the flavored bourbons that Noble Cut offers 

-Magnolia Whiskey (3 kinds): 3 different kinds of classic whiskies, with slight differences in taste as well as proof between each other

-Cento Limoncello: A slightly more unique and different style of Limoncello

-Inferno Whiskey: A cinnamon flavored whiskey that still holds a quality whiskey taste

-Expresso Martini (Coming later in the season): A fantastic tasting expresso martini cocktail, all bottled and ready to be served straight into your favorite glass (Will be stocked and sold within the coming weeks)

-Dirty Martini (Coming later in the season): A classic Dirty Martini cocktail, all mixed in a ready to go bottle and can be served immediately (Will be stocked and sold within the coming weeks)


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You Can Check Out Noble Cut Distillery This Weekend, And Every Day After!

With the opening on May 17th, this Friday, Shiphouse Vodka and Noble Cut Distillery will be open all season long, 7 days a week. Located in the alley between Mr Ed’s and Frosty’s, islanders and tourists alike are welcome to stop in to sample any kind of handcrafted spirit offered at the distillery, as well as pick up their favorite Shiphouse Vodka merchandise. Be on the lookout for Shiphouse Vodka and other Noble Cut spirits that will be served at the distillery as well as many of the bars around the island!

The First Of Two Public Tours Of The Ship House Is Right Around The Corner!

And if you haven’t gotten the chance to see the home that inspired the spirit, the time is now! The Benson Ford Ship House will be open to the public on June 9th, the first of only two public tours this year. Take a peek into this iconic home, one of the most unique in America. Originally a cargo ship owned by none other than Henry Ford, the forecastle of the ship was cut off when the ship was decommissioned, and it was placed where it now rests, overlooking the very lake it once traversed as a freighter. Talk about a retirement!


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Get Your Tickets For The June 9th Ship House Tour

All you have to do is click this link right here! You’ll find a great drone fly through of the house, an interactive virtual tour, and of course, the link to buy tickets to see this incredible home in person!