Read on to learn more about the Ohio State Marching Band’s appearance, then scroll back up here for our top picks for places to stay Labor Day weekend! Call 216-898-9951 for single day group specials!
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Save this date: Sunday September 3rd 2023. The Best Damn Band in the Land, the award-winning The Ohio State Marching Band is coming back to Put-in-Bay. You will not want to miss this. A joint effort between, the Jet Express, the Miller Ferry and the Perry Group has made this dream a reality once again. The island setting with this incredible band is a combination you have to see for yourself!
What Will The 2023 Edition Have in Store? *Updated – Aug. 29*
We finally know what this amazing occasion will look like on the island, from a schedule perspective.
-The Best Damn Band In The Land will be leaving the Miller Ferry Catawba Dock on the mainland at 1PM
-As the band makes their way over, the Put-in-Bay Car Parade will be taking place.
-At approximately 1:45PM the band will perform as the ferry sails through the downtown PIB Harbor.
-At 2PM the band will disembark from the ferry at the Miller Boat Line downtown dock.
-The band will then begin a parade around DeRivera Park, following in the footsteps of the Car Parade for a parade double whammy!
-After this parade, the band will get some well earned down time to prepare for the evening. You can spend it shopping or grabbing an early dinner in downtown Put-in-Bay, but if you want even more band action, there will be two Navy Band performances at the Perry’s Visitor Center, the first will be at 4PM, and the second at 5:15PM.
-At 7PM the band will march from the Put-in-Bay School to Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial.
-They will arrive at approximately 7:15PM, and immediately begin a concert performance in the proverbial shadow of Perry’s Monument. This will run until 8PM.
-At 8:30PM, the band will perform briefly for the flag lowering at The Boardwalk.
-The band will depart on the Jet Express at 8:45 PM. At the same time, there will be a fireworks show at Perry’s Monument.
This will be a very special day on Put-in-Bay that you and your family will want to experience. While they are great to see on TV, seeing it live is a whole different experience. Feeling the boom from the drums and the trumpets sound, you will be glad you made your way to the Bay on this day.
A Put-in-Bay Sequel A Decade In The Making
Back in 2013, the island of Put-in-Bay was gearing up for the Bicentennial of the Battle of Lake Erie. Amongst all of the festivities, one that stood out above the rest was a memorable appearance by The Ohio State Marching Band. The Miller Ferry ushered in the band by ferry bringing them directly to the boat line’s downtown dock. As they made their way through the harbor, they were engaged in a lively rendition of “Hang on Sloopy.” Then, at landfall they proceeded to play a host of OSU favorites as they marched around DeRivera park in the downtown Put-in-Bay area.
Checkout this great video of their arrival @
A Little More About TBDBITL, the Ohio State Marching Band
For you history buffs, a bit of background about TBDBITL. The “Pride of the Buckeyes” is a 228 piece band, composed of all brass and percussion. There are few bands of this type amongst colleges and they are one of the largest of its type in the World. This grouping consists of students from across the country who must meet the excellence and hard work ethics the band is known for. To join the band, one must be a student attending The OSU and compete in the competitive tryout process. There are many things that set The Ohio State Marching Band apart from their cohorts. Perhaps the most known are their innovations in animated formations, fast cadence and the iconic “Script Ohio” (a gift, coincidentally, from the University of Michigan Marching Band) complete with the famous dotting of the i. It has since been refined, over 80 years of performances, into one of college football’s most recognizable traditions. Let’s face it, they didn’t get coined The Best Damn Band in the Land for nothing!
The Cherry On Top Of Labor Day Weekend
As if Labor Day at the Bay weren’t already a big enough deal, if you’re coming for Labor Day congrats! You get this thrown in as a bonus, on the house! And if you’re not coming to the Bay for Labor Day weekend, well why the heck not? Check out our favorite lodging choices and change that now! So, we look forward to welcoming you and yours Sunday September 3rd for a wonderful engagement with The Ohio State Marching Band. This will be a highlight of our season and a chance to make memories with the ones you love. GO BUCKS!
Official Press Release:
THE Ohio State Band
Returns Sept. 3rd, 2023
The Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau, Miller Boat Line, Jet Express, and Perry Group are excited to announce the return of THE Best Damn Band in the Land to Put-in-Bay and South Bass Island, THE Ohio State Marching Band on September 3rd, 2023. This legendary band from Ohio State University will be performing in celebration of the Bicen-TEN of the Battle of Lake Erie (1813-2023).
Prepare for an unforgettable day of family-friendly fun as the band arrives in the afternoon at Miller Ferry’s downtown dock, kicking off a short parade downtown for all visitors to enjoy. Later in the day, the band will march to Perry’s Monument Visitor’s Center, where they will perform a concert on the lawn, followed by a spectacular fireworks display at dusk. The band will then depart the island in the evening aboard the Jet Express.
We need your help to make this historic event a success!
We’re seeking sponsorships from interested businesses and groups. Our Platinum Level sponsorships have already been filled, but we’re still looking for three Gold Level sponsors ($5,000), eight Silver Level ($2,500) sponsors, and unlimited Bronze Level ($1,000) sponsors. All donations, tax-deductible, are greatly appreciated and will be recognized within the community.
As a Gold Level sponsor, you’ll receive two tickets aboard the Miller Ferry with the band and medium-sized logos on all promotional posters and flyers. Silver Level sponsorship includes one ticket aboard the Miller Ferry with the band and small-sized logos on all promotional materials. Bronze Level sponsors will have small-sized logos on all promotional materials and are welcome to watch the parade, performance, and fireworks from the top of Mr. Ed’s rooftop bar.
Join our current sponsors, including Platinum sponsors Miller Boat Line, Jet Express,, and The Perry Group, as well as Gold sponsors The Crew’s Nest and Joe’s Bar, Silver sponsors The Boardwalk Family of Restaurants and Mr. Ed’s Bar & Commodore Resorts, and Bronze sponsors Island Club Rentals, Bird’s Nest Resort, Golf Cart Depot, Veronica Milnark, Ed Gonzalez, ILMO Kay Drake, Rory & Marty DePerro and Craig Cox.
If you have any questions about sponsorship or donations, please reach out to Billy Market, Paul Jeris, Brad Ohlemacher, or Chamber President Brian Cultice. Alternatively, you may email for more information. Let’s make this an unforgettable event that everyone will be talking about for years to come!